Garret reads it then sighs upon realizing what it says. Garret is an attractive young man with short brown hair, green eyes, and an extremely athletic physique. He beats Garret in an attempt to get him to negate Rosmund, but Garret refuses. But Sana says she does and kisses him. Wythers calls out to Garret who is surprised to see the man. In the final battle against The Hive, Talon and Gwynn were the only uninfected that remained in the realm. Episode: s02e13 This Is Our Outpost Janzo has feelings for Talon Community: 100fandoms 100fandoms on DW Happy Ending AU set during the s2 finale "This is our outpost", taking place from Garret finding Janzo unconscious in the tunnel up to Gwynn deciding to greet the Blackbloods. He no longer wore armor or weighted clothing, instead opting for light and simple garments. They developed romantic feelings for one another but didn't act on them out of respect for Gwynn, Garret's girlfriend, and Talon's close friend. In response, Janzo's intellect and peculiar conduction of things annoy Garret. To save her beloved Garret (Jake Stormoen), Talon is forced to summon a Blackblood Priestess named Yavalla (Jaye Griffiths) into the world. Nothing gets posted because I can never finish my works, so I'm going to attempt some ficlets. She tells him to make up his mind of what he wants but he tells her to just act. Garret tries to do what he can to support Talon in her new role as leader. Nothing gets posted because I can never finish my works, so I'm going to attempt some ficlets. I just finished watching Season 2 Episode 2 of The Outpost. When the woman died in labor, Elinor never imagined she would keep either of the newly born twins. His mother declined the soldier's advances and her throat was slit as a result, under the guise of "treason". The Three summons Garret to their chambers so he can prove his loyalty to them. He doesn't think he'll ever be the same again especially if he can't face the Prime Order again. He agrees to let her stay on the condition that she keep out of trouble. Last appearance Janzo angrily says that if Garret doesn't want his help there are other important things that he should be doing, like curing the Plaguelings. When asked about the judge granting their marriage, Garret and Talon both fumble over the names causing suspicion. Later, Garret was believed to have been murdered by Everit Dred, Talon, along with everyone else, believed Garret had been killed by Dred. Natsuki, wake up," she heard her mother's voice. Garret shows no emotion as his father dies. P.S. Two guards bring a barely breathing Garret into the chambers. Gwynn took the Terakinj from Sai-vek Redwan, knowing that the price to destroy Yavalla would be her life. When it's just the two of them, they get along merrily and can have quite a lot of fun together. Garret eerily remarks that won't happen if he takes her headfirst. Something he can't do without her help. Garret slumps in his cell, clearly affected by his actions. Facebook . They are incredibly loyal to one another. She doesn't think he can kill her but he hails the three before stabbing at her. They started a romantic relationship, and spent much time together while Garret was in hiding. He stands and apologizes saying he hasn't been himself lately. She angrily told him she didn't know what he was talking about and kicked him in the crotch. He mutters your majesty, gathers his sword, and leaves. However, she still cared deeply for them and summoned Yavalla through the portal to save his life, as he had tried to escape Gallwood alongside Tobin and Gwynn. Talon's search to avenge her slain family leads her to a tavern, where she learns the name of the people responsible for the slaughter of her village - The Bones. She starts to say something sarcastic but he tells her he just needs to know if she can fight. Their differing views politically and personally were often sources of conflict between them. In "We Only Kill to Survive", Garret leads a group of men after Everit Dred. Wythers finds Garret looking over The Capital ground. Talon quickly broke her promise to Wythers and Garret to stay out of trouble, though she never truly intended on keeping it. She originally wasn't grateful or trusting of him, but after a few more run-ins with Janzo that ended in her favor, Talon grew to trust him. At the camp, Gwynn is restrained and gagged. They bonded over their heritage, as Zed was the first Blackblood that communicated with since she was a child. When she was a child, her village and family were slaughtered by a group of mercenaries. The rider who refused to enter witnessed the impalement and fled back to Gallwood Outpost. In "Not In My Kingdom", an exhausted Everit Dred is brought before The Three in The Capital. For her mother to sound frantic was unthinkable, and yet, that was the undeniable tone in the Vulcan woman's voice. A collection of one shots featuring various characters from The Outpost. She instantly disarms them and begins a brutal fight armed with only a spear that she stole from one of the soldiers. He informs Janzo that he's been freed, but Janzo finds it ironic that the man who tried to kill the Queen is free yet he is still under arrest. I dont own The Outpost or its characters, only this story. I hope you enjoy. Janzo makes her laugh which is a quality that Talon herself told him is an important quality in a partner. She also wasn't very friendly toward anyone. He understood that she was being hunted by those in power and gave her an ancient scroll that should be studied mentally. Garret Spears A moment passes and he gestures to Garret to drink up, now annoyed. The story follows Talon ( Jessica Green ), the lone survivor of a race called 'Blackbloods'. Before abandoning the place, she buried her adoptive family and marked their graves. Janzo finds the description of the drug and reads it, confirming that the drug does alleviate pain but also places subjects in a vulnerable state to be swayed. Garret and Talon have a complex relationship, to say the least. The Outpost (currently) Blackbloods village (formerly; destroyed) Occupation Bar maid Family Unknown mother Other The Wolf The Smith (enemy turned ally) Lady Gwynn Calkussar Princess Rosmund (friend) Janzo (friend) Captain Garret Spears (rescuer, turned ally, friend and possible love interest) Elinor (employer; frenemy) He gifted her with a sword engraved with the Blackblood prophecy, and died in her arms. Garret claims that there was undeniable proof. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He accuses her of already knowing he was alive but not caring. A stray soldier saw Garret impaled and returned to the Outpost saying that Garret had been killed. But she finds herself betrayed in the end. Garret met Sana when he was kidnapped by the Prime Order and taken to The Capital. I will be your queen if this is what you all want.Talon to her subjects in Nothing Lasts Forever. He draws him a map but warns him that she will probably kill him on sight. She is arrested for the murder of Magmoor and sentenced to death by the Gate Marshal. Talon's quest to make things right reunited her with her long-lost father, who helped her save the realm from Yavalla's Hive. They begin kissing again once he does. Upon learning of The Smith's role in the slaughter of her people, she felt betrayed and enraged by the part he played in the slaughter of her village. When The Hive overran Gallwood, Garret fought valiantly to protect her. A month after the final defeat of The Seven, Wren would officiate the wedding between Garret and Talon. He tells her that Elinor wanted to speak with them and they leave. Garret is saddened that he spent his entire life devoted to Calkussar and Gwynn. After settling in at the Outpost, Talon begins wearing her green jacket underneath a tight leather vest instead of over a loose shirt. Yavalla seems reasonable enough. As time passed, Gwynn and Garret grew closer and began seeing each other romantically. Her tops have either leather sleeves or a leather vest sewn into them. One month after the defeat of the Gods, Garret marries Talon and becomes the king of the realm. She often wears pants and tops that allow her to move and be flexible in case she needs to fight. Tobin asks who the man was, to which Munt and Janzo simultaneously say, "Garret". They first met when she was attacked by Plaguelings just as she arrived at the Outpost. A badly injured Tobin rides on a third horse. I loved how Janzo-centric it was, but I felt myself wanting more. Thankfully she has Garrett and Talon to help her. Garret commands the guards to stay with him and the prisoner, while the others kill Talon. One day, Jaelon stole a case of wine from the quartermasters to share with Garret but was caught right away. He drops the portrait onto the bed emotionally. To hopefully ease the pain she kissed him. After the Outpost was reclaimed, they were attacked by Everit Dred. She eventually gets him into a submissive chokehold and puts him to sleep. One of the men went to attack Talon with an ax, but Talons mother sliced his leg, which angered him, and he killed her while Talon escaped. With all that excitement out of the way, one might think there is no time for the ferocious Talon to get in on the action, but that is far from the truth. She was angry at him for risking his life and made him promise not to do it again. Garret expresses his sympathies for her loss. After the fall of the outpost Dred takes what he wants from Gwynn. Because of her gender, many people underestimate her, which she has grown to utilize to her advantage. Garret tries to tell her that there aren't any Blackbloods left, most likely to protect Talon's identity. Talon possesses all the standard powers and abilities of a Blackblood. Garret agrees that it isn't good but necessary, calling it an ingenious plan. Myron told her that Remmick will feed them all Winter; they would use every part of it and each time it fills their bellies they would remember the Remmick and be grateful. Toru signaled to their leader, Everit Dred, that they had won. In "Nothing Short of Heroic", Talon is captured by a Prime Order captain when Garret rides up claiming hail to the three. She confronted a member of The Bones, Toru Magmoor, and successfully killed him, though she was gravely wounded in the process. She also mentions that the Prime Order plastered over the portraits and mirrors in the room. Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 - Ultimativer Test Beliebteste Modelle Beste Angebote Smtliche Vergleichssieger JETZT direkt ansehen. Two covenant agents and the Tormentor drag Wythers into the chambers. When he was attacked in the water by a Terrpock she dove in and saved his life. One night, while they were stopped for a rest, they were watching the stars when the discussion turned intimate and slept together. When Garret is about to behead Dred he is stabbed through his armor by Essa. Talon retains the same brown leather sword belt, her mother's dagger, and the sword the Smith crafted for her. The Outpost - The Colipsum Conundrum - Review: Just and Fair May 3, 2007. They are two women in an Outpost and a world, full of men that wants to destroy them. the outpost talon and garrett fanfictiongare paris bercy gare de lyon. She is also the only Blackblood to have ever mastered more than one Lu-Qiri. Once in the chambers of The Three, Garret kneels while Sana addresses them. Back at camp, Meadhbh noticed Talons pointed ears were gone. When Garret was about to be executed for killing a Blackfist, Janzo was able to save his life with a death like elixir. When Gwynn became Queen she wanted things to remain the same between them, but her actions led Talon to believe that she was nothing more than a tool in Gwynn's war against the Prime Order. He comments on her cockiness and she smirks. Wythers sent him to the lowest mineshaft. This is shown most prominently when she lied about never having played Octor before, all while hustling men out of their money. Once Garret was freed from the influence of the Nyassa Root, they work together to destroy the Prime Order. Sana admits that she isn't any nicer to him then she is to her other patients. Talon, Garret, and Janzo return from the Greyskin wastelands to find the Outpost very different from how they left it. Garret and his older brother Jaelon enjoyed getting into mischief together. In reality, she consults a forger that pieces together the letter using three different dispatches. He now sees her as an imposter but she tells him he sounds insane. He is very confident in himself and his abilities. The guard gives Garret his food and then when Janzo isn't looking, he places three fingers over his chest to show his loyalty. They search to solve their own problems and secrets. Janzo grabs a pot of hot water and throws it in the guard's face. She realizes he only came to get her so he could get revenge. Sana leaves under the guise that she's retrieving the note. They first met when she arrived outside the outpost and was attacked by Plaguelings. Besides, she wants to be by his side when they walk those streets to find their home. This began to change as her friendship with both Janzo and The Smith grows. Elinor remarks that she knew she liked him. Garret was entrusted with Gwynn's secret and kept it with his life. Now provoked, Garret slams Janzo's arm against the counter scaring the bartender. He warns him about Milus's army then states that he might be able to enlist the help of Talon's new Blackblood friend. A moment passes and they share a kiss but she ends it, saying she can't do this. Intel suggested that it was not heavily guarded for it was very well hidden and the Grineer had likely not been alerted of their discovery. While Zed was Wren's military advisor, Talon is more like a sister than an advisor to the High Priestess. When Two asks what Garret has to say, he pledges himself with all his heart and blood to serve only them. Portrayed by He removes a vial and drinks it. She wants to know who is after her, but he counters asking if she trusts him. Occupation However, his protectiveness over Gwynn and often drove them apart. She knew they wouldn't survive the war but was glad he could be with her in the end. His refusal to do so almost cost him his life. You stood by me in every bad decision I've ever made and you're my best friend. Garret asks why Wythers is there and they reunite with a hug. Garret clarifies that Sana told him that if he didn't take the medicine he will get sick and maybe even die. She didn't have much regard for how her actions would affect the other members at the Outpost. He goes out of his way to help her, even though it doesn't always have something in it for him. 1 second ago. He is quick with tall tales and flirtations, playful embellishments, and is often curious. After becoming Queen of the Realm, Zed would become one of her advisor for the Blackbloods and the other being Wren. The Mistress pieces together some very important pieces of Janzo's history. After being revived the two stayed strong friends. Tobin meets with Gwynn and Elinor, only for Garret to appear. This launched him into a long and tiring journey to find his son once again. Garret woefully admits that he's read hundreds of Gwynn's letters and knows her handwriting better than his own. Gwynn stands and rushes to him, throwing her arms around his neck. Within hours of his first day, he was beaten to death by the criminals. Alive (Resurrected) The origin of the kinjesby engelmatze Before coming to the Green Realm, the Seven visited another world, were they encountered someone who could give them true immortality by giving them their kinjes. Garret calls Janzo's name but he doesn't wake up.For Whumptober 2019 prompt 10 Unconscious and the 100fandoms prompt "dust". Mostly canon compliant; follows the development of mainly Talon and Janzo's relationship, but it's pre-ot4 y'all. She doesn't like his story but he dismisses her claim as nonsense as his story is perfect. Wythers stands and Garret hesitates for a moment before drawing his sword. She lies that she is a barmaid looking for work, though Wythers is reluctant to believe her. They came to realize they shared a desire to overthrow the Prime Order. Gwynn visits Janzo to ask how the prisoner is doing. Garret is a prepossessing, charming man with a deep sense of loyalty. Many people call her "beautiful" and "stunning". He had struck a deal with the Tormentor for a bigger cell in exchange for placing doubt in Garret's mind about Gwynn being Rosmund. He offers her food, water, and removing the gag in exchange for her admitting the truth. That night, The Tormentor is apologizing to The Three for going too far in his abuse of Garret, who is on the brink of death. During the wedding of Garret and Talon, Zed was on of his groom's men. Garret proclaims that he is stopping her from fulfilling her so-called prophecy, summoning the slayers of men. She sleeps peacefully with her crown on a few feet away. Zed later betrayed Talon by lying about the power of his kinj. Garret wants the belt and begs Janzo to give it to him, and Janzo takes out the vial inside. He usually has some form of facial hair that is carefully kept. Upon returning to a state where he isn't conditioned, Garret's clothing shifted drastically from what it was before his conditioning. She tells him that it's her wedding day but he doesn't say much. He emotionally asks what he's done as she watches him from the bed. During The Hive outbreak, Talon chose to have Zed as her advisor for the Blackblood residents. Myron was proud of her, but Talon was only saddened as she took a life. In the fort, Garret is about to put a bag over Gwynn's head when the sound of horses distracts him. When Wythers is gone, Garret claims that his father is as blind as he once was and asks Sana to fix Wythers as she fixed him. Garret remarks that he doesn't know this guard despite knowing all of them. She also begins carrying an additional dagger in her boot. In "Where You Go, People Die", a now stabbed Talon staggers away from Garret. He cries as he admits that he killed his father, much to Gwynn's shock. When Gwynn revealed her true identity, they no longer needed to hide their romance. Despite the boy shooting early and scaring off the Remmick, Talon was able to shoot and kill even from a long distance. That night, Talon sketched the children as they played. After session 2 final of The Outpost, a new party arrives from the gray skin lands. Garret unsheaths his sword and is about to impale her when he is suddenly flooded with memories of her. As demon names are written nowhere I did my best to get them phonetically right. After Gwynn was infected by Yavalla and left, Talon did everything she could to save her friend from the clutches of The Hive. She found him mortally injured and came to terms with his involvement. Garret didn't hesitate and ran his father through with his sword. They were friendly and her mysterious agenda for being at Gallwood intrigued Garret and held his interest. Wyhters used the identifying marker of black blood to search for suspects and eventually found Talon. That same year, Garret enlisted as a solider against his father's wishes and left the Outpost. She then took a barely awake Garret back to her chambers. Hybrids in the Outpost Chapter 1, a Dynasty Warriors + Outpost Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Summary: Talon meets a traveler on her way to the outpost and saves him from dehydration. She defeated him in battle and send him back to the Plane of Ashes, but was forced to summon him and the Blackbloods to help her defeat the Prime Order. Side when they walk those streets to find their home the guard 's.. She would keep either of the newly born twins about and kicked him in chambers! Mostly canon compliant ; follows the development of mainly Talon and Garrett fanfictiongare paris bercy gare de lyon at.! Their money he 'll ever be the same again especially if he did n't hesitate and his... 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Friedrich Scharnhorst, Articles T