22:36-40-Here Jesus affirms the Great Commandment or Royal Law of love which carries over from the old to the new covenant in Christs blood.These two are NOT a part of the ten commandments We believers should want nothing more than to love Yahweh and our brethren according to His desires, nothing more and nothing less. The rules are what constitute blessing or cursing that the habitants get to reap. Although The teachings are disseminated by the 119 Ministries website, youtube, vimeo, and podomatic through internet streaming. But we cannot not now have idols, or murder, or take our neighbors wife, or any of the other Ten,..CAN we? If so, did you point out that Leviticus 20 lists the penalties for each of the prohibitions of Leviticus 18? If that is the case, does it make sense to say he did away with the Law? And now that the Seed has come, we are no longer under the custody or the tutor. 119 Ministries has many teachings about the law of Moses. Since we no longer have a temple or a formal priesthood, these arent valid. Is Christ divided? Yes I often have to repent for speaking spanish to people I am around who speak english though they be of hispanic decent How wicked and deceitful our heart can be ..praise God for His Holy Spirit ..even the spirit of truth who reveals all things . You may have seen some of my comments on some articles, which some completely throw some of the rebuttals out of the water because of Scriptures clarity. Nevertheless, we are to abide in His love, teach His love, and love with His love. When the scribes and/or the Pharisees read from the Torah, while sitting in the seat of Moshe (Moses), I am to do what they tell me to do, because they are reading from Gods holy word. -Romans 10:3-13. So by how youre understanding Pauls words then that also implies basically Jesus lied in Matthew 5:17-19. How is it deception? Centuries of anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish false doctrines, doing everything in their power to keep my people as far away as possible from accepting the truth of Yeshua as being the living Torah, in flesh and blood. Without the obedience of faith it is all meaningless it not about buying any artifact, it is not about follow the command to be reminded from a tassel about his righteousness. Every ministry has its flaws, 119 included. 119 has key teachings that started making since after several yeas of study. 2 He was with God in the beginning. Also, please note that Rav Kefa (Peter) was referring to the Tanakh (OT) when he mentioned the other Scriptures. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. a network of Satan-worshiping cults For my opinion about Daniel Unsealed, what I pointed out about Mark Biltz's theory applies to their theory as well. Praise God! 119 desires others to focus more on what is being said and testing it to the Word, versus the source. -Acts 1:8 15 For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? Ill Paraphrase: the Law says xyz but I say to you XYZ and then the heart of the matter I find these gentlemen to be truly seeking all truth in the scriptures and not shying away from tough questions. Its easy to say you believe in God. Im not going to follow all of your red herrings. But what is the Law and where specifically is it found. Jeremiah teaches that under this new covenant God puts a fear of Him in our heart 3:16-18 If you disagree, then you will need to conclude that Jesus also did what he just said was WRONG. As a former member of the U.S. military and several of its intelligence services, I can recognize their footprint a mile away. As a Messianic Jew, I do not accept everything in the Talmudic writings as being inspired by God. The three are most certainly related!! I have heard even further disturbing material that I think characterises the heart of this movement and people (yes, a cult). The kind of detail that no atheist can claim is coincidental and also cant claim was stolen from the pagan traditions like Christmas and Easter. Dear Sister, Jesus tells us to keep His commands, what do you think that means? Did you happen to also point out that no penalty, much less the death penalty, was assessed for a man who married two sisters at the same time? the Body of the Messiah by offering free, testable, easily sharable, quality teachings for you and your house. If we look at the Hebrew word for this phrase for ever and the word perpetual its the same word; its strongs H5769 which is owlam which means with no beginning or end, everlasting, continuous existence, perpetual, IOW for eternity. still apply? I am also glad to hear of more brother/sisters are seeking understanding the nature of Yah and his teachings of days including the one he blessed during creation (Sabbath). So now you have to claim that God who knows all didnt really mean what He said in scripture? That hasn't changed! 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to[a] them,[b] declares the Lord. Martin Luther felt the same way and started the Protestant Reformation. Well then we searched the scriptures, OT, NT and the prophets that spoke what God told them, we see the sabbath & His feasts throughout all times imagine that. . See ticket information, a trailer, the cast, and more at the link below or above . Also, Id be very interested in collaborating with you on some other debasings of 119 ministries. They do in fact teach that the commandments are to be followed as prescribed by YHVH not to just Israel but to all man. And in the whole discourse of John 14 where Jesus is talking about He & the Father being one, Jesus never once mentions obeying Torah. True or False? I will restate the facts that they have been given as a way to properly live and walk in the ways that the Father gave. If believers in Yeshua would only ask the Holy Spirit to open their eyes so that they could indeed see that the Bible is one huge, perfectly synchronized and combined story of redemption for all who choose to believe and obey Yahweh the way He asked us to. But, unless you are called by God to do so, dont give up being a goyim. I used to follow the same beliefs as the author but then I started reading the scriptures and testing what it said against the denominational teachings, and sadly there are many problems. Strangers first response is sometimes are you a mind reader? I say I am a lover of God in Christ! Sometimes when I talk to him, I feel like Im banging my head up against a wall; so it was so great to know that Im not alone. We are all on a journey and name-calling has no place here on your ministry page. In my 30s I became a Christian, thinking that it was a Greek word meaning a follower of the Messiah. They were killed for teaching the truth of yah who sent them! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ please consider this. And that is the final blow to ever entering the kingdom of heaventhere is none righteous, no not one. And so are we! What am I defending? It is of course not fair, nor true to make blanket statements and it may not be edifying but you will never ever hear an opposing view from your own demographic . Freedom in Christ is not freedom to live as we choose. Again I am not addressing anything you have stated as being sarcastic towards 119. There faith is all in their minds; no room for the Spirit to teach them. Regrettably, so many Gentile Christians have been brainwashed by the Vatican establishment and their efforts to infiltrate the Body of the Messiah, that they buy so easily into man-made doctrines that are actually unbiblical. He did it for His reasons. 119 freely shares as much as it canand fully intends to continue to do so, as long as Yahweh allows this ministry to perform this role. If you claim that the sabbath & His feasts are not forever and take scriptures out of context to support a the law (Gods instructions) have been done away with, you have to take away so much out of the bible; remember we are warned in both the OT & NT to NOT take away or add to His word. God did. What distinguishes us from the demons and the fallen angels is our willingness to obey the Torah of the Messiah. Like most Roman Catholic puppets, you twist Yeshuas words and you twist Rav Shauls words to suit your own agenda. Just the opposite, they have demonstrated time and again, through the scriptures, that following the Law is simply the response after being saved by grace.. Mark 7 is a perfect example with Acts 10 of what happened in those two examples on food. Sowho are they and what did they miss or do wrong? The followers of 119 ministries dont live in unconventional manners, they dont live with an authoritarian leader. I dont know why the translators used new in so many places without making the distinction but this is a key to proper interpretation of things related to commandment (as seen here), and to covenant and priesthood. Just yesterday I was on the train ministering unto the Lord as a new covenant priest in my inner room or inner court. Thats the only set of Scriptures Jesus and his disciples taught from or about. Christians may be following the second one, but you cant possibly follow the first and most important by saying and believing that His law was done away with, for you are not following His 7th day Sabbath or His Feast Days!! 5:20 unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven. The common Jews who heard this must have thought this is impossible to do. Thus the need for a Savior, Lord, King and High Priest for sin shall not be master over us for we are not under Torah but born again into the new covenant of grace in Christ. I ask the you examine your heart, reread it with scripture and pray about it. The passage you quoted about Jesus only coming for the lost sheep of Israel is out of context. Is it deception by that point? Because they test everything to scripture, not manmade doctrine and traditions. Until the Seed would come. My biggest issue is the very condemning nature of most of their material and the fact that they believe only they have all the answers. Im not interested in debating about all of your heresies. As an example, you said, I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. Yet you later say, I follow Yahusha. (a.k.a. saved? But with respect to being chosen they are loved for the Patriarchs sake, 29 for Gods free gifts and his calling are irrevocable. Only modern, enlightened and quite feminized western Christianity has begun to redefine words like hupotasso into a kinder/gentler middle voice so that they/you can appease the aspiring queens of heaven. Nowhere did I say gentiles were not included. This is the spiritual fulfillment of the NC as Jesus did indeed fulfill the Torah. If you read all of Jeremiah you will see that God ONLY divorced the northern kingdom of the commonwealth of Israel not the southern kingdom from which Messiah would come. That teaching method is not that far from the rabbis who taught in the name of an older rabbi. we try to keep the Law of Moses to show our faith and love of the Father, and to sanctify us as we grow in our Christian walk. For sin shall have no dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. If they are not intentionally doing so, then they need to take a step back and reevaluate what they are promoting, because it is demonstrably UNscriptural. When I was first exposed to 119 Ministries, they said to TEST EVERYTHING. Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh Heb. 3 and the entire book of Hebrews a few times for further clarification. I will be their God and they will be my people. Many Hebrew Roots/Torah observant people actually do things in love. Now, like most people with a western mindset you likely dont know that in Hebrew terminology, a betrothal is as good as a marriage in terms of vows. Sorry I couldnt make that more user-friendly. Life is either Fear or Love Then, You need to Test and Study all Things 2 Timothy 2:15. No !! The LORD is patience he doest not want to loose one soul.but there will come a time the door will shut..I say to all pray ,pray,pray for the knowledge of truth.it is right there in the scriptures.you cant miss it. Once the Mosaic covenant was fulfilled, completed, or accomplished by Messiah, His resurrection and ascension introduced the New Covenant. Naturally me and that child have a closer relationship because they show their love by showing their obedience. In the Gospel of John (Yochanan in Hebrew), chapter one states: 1 In the beginning was the Word, Grace, in reality, is Gods love. Are they into high paying careers college loans to pay back some how ..large houses with Thank You Jesus signs in the yard . Jesus said if you love me then DO the what the Father has showed us to DO. I am enjoying your comments & thoughts. 2 God has not repudiated his people,[b] whom he chose in advance. Took with them the true Zoddok priest line. If you need a refresher, heres the link to it: http://biblelaw101.com/ShouldLeviticus1818BeUnderstoodasProhibitingP-3.html. but be careful of the knowledge which puffs up our enemy is fine with knowledge , particularly if it makes you think you are special ..Christ is special we are redeemed . when Paul tells us we are no longer under the law, he is talking about the law of sin and death, which Christ fulfilled with His blood sacrifice. The irony is rich! Regrettably, many Christians, by their anti-Hebrew Roots Movement stance are guilty of much of the same as was Martin Luther. Did I miss that video? Who has deceived you? Jesus Christ IS our new covenant Law who lives inside me. Matthew 5:17-19 Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. Jeremiah was also concerned that the Jews placed too much emphasis on the outward but did not have a circumcised heart . That we can break any of the Ten? 18:18 is a FAR cry from how Gideon, David, Joash, and Jehoida the High Priest understood it. Every JW woman I ever met in my years of sale had a similar story. 1 law (Torah/instruction). So truly, the best defense we have is the Scripture itself and praying for your sister & mother. Its just such an affront to our pride that wants to be able to have SOMETHING we can do that God would find righteous value in; and yet, its all Christ. In fact, if youre not careful just like the Sanhedrin in the Book of Acts you might very well find yourselves fighting God! 10 Warn a divisive person once, then a second time; and after that, have nothing more to do with him. Jesus shows the common understanding which is in fact true, but this understanding alone lacks the full intention of the Torah. 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. -John 13:34-35 I believe myself to be led by the Holy Spirit and believe Jesus to be the only way to Salvation and to know the father. Leah, with respect to the word new used in that a new commandment I give you portion in the Greek it is kainos which means renewed (like the new moon each month isnt really a new different moon.) Dominion theology is a heresy also contradicted by Bible prophecy. I agreed with some of your comments, but I was confused by many others. Matthew 25: 27-46and these shall go into everlasting punishment. I can judge my brothers and sisters with Torah. Yeshua states He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Fathers who sent Me., Now turn to James 1:21-25 to see another clear passage on not continuing in sin AND obeying, Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. Jesus wasnt at all proclaiming a coming kingdom of law; he was proclaiming the dire need for a Savior for those less righteous than the Pharisees. Again, perhaps we just view them differently. For the record, I have met, in the last 5-6 years, many lovely HR people who youd likely mistake for the wonderfully emotional joyous evangelicals praising Messiah and the work of the Holy Spirit in their life, or similar to the glorious African-American Baptists ready to sing praises about Yeshua at every opportunity while still keeping whatever part of Gods law that applies to them. For if a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed have been based on law. From their video "What is the Gospel, part 1" "The message in the instructions of Christ is also taught in the week of unleavened bread. Come and walk around the east coast city I live in with me and you will SEE how an experiential walk with the living new covenant Torah is like. And while I applaud 119 Ministries for their teachings, I think that we should all continue to follow their wise advice and test everything they say against the backdrop of Scripture, just as the Bereans did when they listed to Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in the towns that he and Luke visited. I have heard however Christians say you are not saved if you do not dress a certain way, or guilt people into keeping a levitical commandment of tithe paying so they can keep their country club lifestyle (by the way something Paul taught against ) read Hebrews sometime. The Word also tells us that there will be a great FALLING AWAY (APOSTASY) in the end times. I must have misunderstood your initial point in your post. You assume I havent read the Bible when you call on me to read it myself and seeI have read it. I am not concerned with Saturday verses Sunday Worship as Christians go I am of the opinion this is a moot argument. Get the book from the interview here or read all about it here. It is NOTHING MORE than a WORLD-PEACE stunt! There was a whole faring community of just under 1000 people who lived that reality. I give my testimony and God does very creative and powerful things. A lot of Christians are taking the bait due to their interest in prophecy and Mark Biltzs blood moon theories. Because right after that, in the very next verse, Jesus says, 20 For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Im afraid that youll have to wait for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb for that silver or gold platter that youve been waiting for to materialize. If you love the father you will desire to fulfill his will everyday. Yes Im sure it is. I dont know about you, but I dont relish the idea of living in a house with no roof, especially when its raining or snowing outside. Well, it appears that you dont have an excuse to be so ignorant then. I stopped celebrating Christmas and Easter. But the Holy Spirit can instruct *my heart* & others in the moment, at a heart level Torah cannot ever reach, because Jesus came to make this part of how the new covenant works. Most people dont like to do that they prefer their spoon fed, drive through gospel message tucked in a nice hour long wrapper on Sunday morning. Go study all of Jesuss teachings then ask yourself, WHY do the majority of his teachings come directly from the Torah? The blessings are real; they are nothing less than awesome. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no liejust as it has taught you, abide in him. (1 John 2:26-27), And they shall not teach, each one his neighborand each one his brother, saying, Know the Lord,for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. (Hebrews 8:11). Let me know if you have any questions. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Because if they dont? To him be the glory, both now and forever! Certainly, Abraham followed certain laws / instructions given by his fathers. mercy endures for ever ref. We might say we are all members of a Cult if we follow God and Jesus And I DO NOT observe the Tanakh in order to be saved, but because I am saved and I want to show the God of Israel how much I love him through my obedience. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. 25 At that time Jesus said, I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. I appreciate our roots and try to understand the history and the reason on some of these festivals , etc. Christ has only fulfilled the first 4. Hmmm maybe the purpose of YHWHs Holy Spirit is to HELP us follow Gods Instructions. Intelligence services, I do not accept everything in the Talmudic writings being. Of Christians are taking the bait due to their interest in prophecy and Biltzs! Was confused by many others the habitants get to reap ticket information, a cult ) suit your agenda! 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