Wonderful interview! It seems that they removed all mentions of this specific technology. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that its going to occur, are not presenting the facts. By the end of the 20 years, so by 2040, 75% of the worlds population will be wiped-out. According to Courtney Browns remote viewing trainer, our focal point needs to be raising our consciousness to deal with what is coming in the coming years (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). I think the reason why Bill was brought in to look at the data from Looking Glass was because they thought that Looking Glass could be similar to the Yellow Cube, where the observer could find his own future that could be different from the others future. I am sure much has been discovered and/or refined in the process since then.. After 120 minutes: Mind Altering and World-View Transformative. Your email address will not be published. Thank you Lisa for being so open and gentle in this interview, it was exactly what was neededBoth of you are brave individuals who are willing to step up and speak from your heart.thank youblessings and love sent your way. 11:31 So all of you are ascending whether you realize it or not.. Because the Looking Glass was placed and used on Earth, it can only show lesson paths that are meant for people of this planet, it cannot show the lesson paths meant for beings of other planets. Your contributions are currently the only way I have to sustain myself and continue my work. As the dark ones almost have no moves left, they are creating havoc, including Covid, Afghanistan and other false flags that were going to see very shortly, according to Alex Collier. This is the original full length interview of Kerry Cassidy with Bill Brockbrader in Januari 2012. The last 45 minutes specifically are rather monumental. I wonder if the Looking Glass could show images about aliens from higher dimensions? Each timeline that is shown by the Looking Glass represents a possible lesson for people to take. Thanks for submitting! Here are some images, Photo: David Wilcock on Project Looking Glass | Secret Space Program Tech REVEALED. Thank you for your help. Nothing can stop what's coming. Bill said that the timelines hittting a wall would mean the end of time, which could also mean the end of duality since duality has its own kind of time or frequency. Its an end game for the so-called global Elites, Powers that Be (my hope is they will soon be the Powers that were). 298 government officials arrested in Saudi Arabia. Thanks again for your continued support! According to the alleged insiders, The Looking Glass technology was apparently used to look backward and forward in time, using the consciousness of an operator as a type of steering mechanism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUwH3qT3fmY. Thanks. Project Looking Glass. Beyond The Looking Glass: Bill Wood- PT 3 of 5: Bill Woods side of the story. 2:04:21 He says that this secret sent everyone who knows this secret (including the Elites of the world) into a blind panic in Bill Woods words. https://theorionlines.wordpress.com/2019/09/10/the-laws-of-dynamics-and-truths-of-existence/. The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass (LG) and Time Travel experiments: "With regard to LG ( Looking Glass ): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. This is what you have shown me, and for this I love you and thank you. According to Adams, our future becomes our present through our free will. I tried to understand the information provided by Bill Wood about the Looking Glass from the perspective that duality is a lesson for people to experience and learn about duality, since he did mention many times that duality is a lesson for people to learn. 2:03:10 He says that very smart people realized that something big is coming, as a result of seeing only one particular future materializing in reality (despite the different probabilities fed into the Looking Glass device). According to Courtney Brown in his book Cosmic Voyage (1996), the original purpose of training these remote viewers, or psychic warriors, as Brown calls them was to remotely spy on the perceived enemies of the U.S. The interesting thing is, is that we are already the light, so we only clear the darkness to reveal what was always. I have often wished JoAnne. 13:37 They, the benevolent star nations, want this whole thing done and resolved by December on our clock.. This technology was given to President Eisenhower by the Orion ET races (that Corey Goode, an SSP insider recently disclosed). What were experiencing right now is mass awakening. (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021). Just fill out the pop-up form. Your email address will not be published. To skip that, click here: 23:58Note: The more someone has been demonized, the more credible he is. version: 2, }, US nationwide arrests of 750 Mexican cartel members (CJNG) during Project Python. As while I understood Kerrys point of view, I was so uncomfortable for Bill and just knew he had something Ive never heard to say around human spiritual growth. They can only react to this particular timeline. I have to admit that I too had questions about Bill Wood, but after this interview, I see now why the second Project Camelot interview was so awkward. For what its worth, my sources have confirmed the presence of electromagnets and a barrel-like device which is injected with some kind of gas.these components seem necessary for LG to function as a viewing device. So you need to keep moving forward. (9:24), 11:21 We will burn this matrix to the ground!. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C 107. You truly believe in our future and you gave me a new hope that there will be one. AdvertiseAnother way to support our work is placing ads on our sites. timestamp: true, He repeats what other sources say that only by this technology, Hillary Clinton wasnt elected but Trump with the white hats in the military (and intelligence agencies) that saved humanity. You Are Now Subscribed. They think that we cannot affect our reality and move to a positive timeline for the good of humanity. Nevertheless, they work and live in a human environment. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Article continues below advertisement. It has been passed between rich and powerful to be able to choose well in their lives. (monkeyandelf.com). Venezuelan President Maduro was just indicted for drug trafficking and corruption. Kat Read More. Essentially, IIRC, it states that the US military has time technology called project looking glass that the evil cabal of this realm have lost. Remote viewing and Project Looking Glass are few of the most suppressed technologies out there. This theory is mindblowing. You honestly think Iwouldcomethis far to lie now? According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. If hitting the wall means the end of duality for planet earth and its people, where would the people of this planet end up after the end of 2012? (courtneybrown.com), Stillnessinthestorm.com describes remote viewing as a skill developed via mental discipline, which enables the practitioner to observe events or locations in any space or time, even in alternative timelines, with the assistance of a trigger and what is called a conductor.. Therefore the planet would either cease to exist or ascend to another dimension where the measure of time is different. posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:22 AM. sgtreport.com refers to Mike Adams video which I mentioned earlier. We are all humpty sitting on the wall. Phil Godlewski and Jerome Corsi have answers. I was informed by viewers who subscribed to my YouTube channel that YouTube unsubscribed them without their acknowledgement. you are a brave and beautiful soul, your words resonates Consciousness is not something you were granted by Bill Gates. 2:05:18 When Kerry Cassidy asked him when he was exposed to this information, he replies that it was while he was in the military prior to 1997! Lisa is an excellent interviewer. But even a military and seemingly materialistic(perceived by them) person like Bill could not determine and perceive the possibility of a materialistic future reality that is similar to the present, it would have confirmed that Looking Glass is not like the Yellow Cube. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. What event could be so major as to get so many people to focus and converge on one timeline to go on a certain lesson path of duality? Burisch holds disconcerting great information about extraterrestrials, the time machines called "Looking Glass" (Orion Cube Stargate), the plans of the secret government and the extinction of the human race. Anyone have a clue why I was able to watch this yesterday any today cant access it Anywhere? All monetization will remain disabled. She and Bill focus on the spiritual implications of Project . Kerry Cassidy interviews Bill Wood a third time about Project Looking Glass, early February 2012. Previous Page. If you know Q and haven't seen this old interview it confirms much. Alien Interview Of EBE3 Was Released In 2016. I highly appreciate your continued support.Much love and blessings to you. Im constantly on the lookout for the best sources that I vet for a long time or those that Im guided to share with you. 'Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped', says military insider. The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments: "With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. 9:03 You dont want NWO, medical mafia, overreaching government, socialism, communism[], youve got to decide what it is you want and you have to begin focusing on that. Illustration: The Orion Cube mentioned-above is allegedly, according to Burisch, a Stargate device, that is also known as the Looking Glass device. Time to wake up to the fact that we are Divine Sparks and love is the key. THE MARSHALL REPORT, CABALS PROPHECY IS A LIE- MIND CONTROL! Read here. Show Links: IMPEACHMENT HEARING HIGHLIGHTS DAY 1: Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, and George . Many spiritual sources like Princess Nakamaru and Dolores Cannon have said that the planet and some people would ascend to the 5th dimension. Time travel. I receive royalties from KDP when you buy these items. So if possible, please let him know he is welcome to join us. Bill Wood was contacted by White Hat military who knew his top secret level. What our DNA learns through these spikes in the Schumann Resonance is to hold more light, to hold the increased frequency. Bill is in a Federal Prison because he gave away secrets the American Government wanted kept away from the American People. Until you KNOW of the EVIL, you cannot FIX it. The last article contained so much information that I had to move to such server twice. (Awaken_Now Bitchute channel). Everything you have given in this interview is unique knowledge Of course, at the end of this statement, they retract and say that it was found to be a fake document that the two FBI offices received. What we focus our thoughts on creates our reality, and it is high time for us to focus on love and hope and create a better reality. Maybe this could happen in the coming months? Burisch talked often about a top-secret program called "Project Looking Glass.". Bill Wood's Full Interview with Kerry Cassidy in 2010 'Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass'. It became useless to the Elites as they were unable to control or manipulate it. Depends on who controls it. Its eminent. I urge you to watch this incredible talk here: I would like to end this article with a track that I recently listened to and I feel its very relevant to our extremely chaotic times. You owe it to yourself to give it a gander. Q reference "Project Looking Glass" Bill did some work with this technology. Hillary thought she would win but . 2:08:32 But their (the Cabals) reaction will have an opposite effect and lead to their undesired outcome. Thank you, Bill Wood's Full Interview with Kerry Cassidy in 2010 'Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass' Source: Project Camelot You might like Related news coverage Bill Wood Talking About Project Looking Glass w/ Kerry Cassidy (last 20 mins of interview) Rumble Advertisement SRV is a set of protocols, or procedures, that allows what is often referred to as the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind, thereby transferring valuable information from one level of awareness to another., Scientific remote viewing is used by recording the information coming from the unconscious before the conscious mind can interfere with it applying normal waking-state intellectual processes, such as rationalization or imagination. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Bill has provided supporting evidence of his claims. Irrelevant comments won't be appreciated either. Listen with an open mind, BE in Love for our approaching truth, and then BE in . It is an expos on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. Courtney Brown reveals that these beings never assume physical form, according to The Urantia Book, although their frequency, or density, is close to that of human physical density and their bodies are just out of range of our physical abilities to perceive them. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). By March 18, 2016 1 Min Read. Aside of these three interviews with Kerry Cassidy, there have been some interviews with Lisa Harrison, that can be found on her own channel:February 2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUwH3qT3fmYMay 2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp62TWaVpOEAll five Bill Wood interviews, including those with Lisa Harrison, can now be found on my bitchute channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/y1PPJFxNH54Q/Note: The more someone has been demonized, the more credible he is. ~ryushin. But he does talk . INTERVIEWED BY. I would sincerely like to thank everyone who contributes to my channel. Aside of these three interviews with Kerry Cassidy, there have been some interviews with. An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. | Dewey B Larson Reciprocal Systems Theory Walking the Path of Truth in a World of Deception, Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 Episode 12: SSP Sciences Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock, Ley Lines of the UK and USA: How Ley Lines were used by the Church, Royalty, City Planners and the Freemasons, Project Aquarius and the Story of Dr. Dan Burisch, Out From Under Majestic Dan Burisch Uncensored A Video Interview with Dan Burisch, The Ultimate Secret: Majestic-12 | Secret Space Programs, ET Contacts, UFOs, Above Top Secret, Return to Extraterrestrial Technology And Reverse Engineering, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/archbishop-vigano-vaccine-victims-sacrificed-altar-moloch-video/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=daily, A Tale of Two Timelines Kaiser Wilhelm II, CABALS PROPHECY IS A LIE- MIND CONTROL! We need to awaken as many people as possible. If somebody convinces us that a major disaster is going to happen in the very near future, a major disaster happens in the very near future. April 11, 2022. Looking glass is technology to see probabilities of the future. Not you. According to monkeyandelf.com, Burisch worked directly under the orders of the Majestic 12., Majestic 12, according to FBI records is, a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination.. That goes for all videos I share on this channel. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vh6yj7","div":"rumble_vh6yj7"});David Wilcock is a New York Times bestselling author of The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key, The Ascension Mysteries, and his latest excellent book Awakening in the Dream. A message from David Icke: "As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult - the people win as they awaken to the truth. If you are a troll, please stay away. All they were interested in is the NWO/Illuminati/conspiracy theory stuff. Love and light to you and Bill! Courtney Brown revealed that non-physical entities he calls Midwayers, a group of subspace beings who originated from The Urantia Book, were the target of a remote viewers team that wanted to investigate this group. The timelines converged around 2012 we're on a positive timeline now. Your $5 or $10 contributions make such a big difference and helps me to get by as I continue this work. Mike Adams gives examples to show the evidence for this mass awakening: 1:11 hour mark How many people were aware of child trafficking that they werent aware of five years ago? All guest blogs are published with mutual consent and are the opinions of the guest blogger and not my own. Well we did it in ones and twos, so that the mirror would never find us until it was too late.. and it has worked ~~ for the things you speak of ~ Lightworkers have known, some of us since birth . You can see this type of technology revealed in the movie Contact (1997). The virus is non-terrestrial beings. We are aware of all the governments, religions were created by royalties, royal families, the Vatican principalities etc. However, this is not an invite for any trolls to post any comments. Ultimately, though, it is their focus on that stuff that aids in its perpetuation. 2:08:44 And according to Bill Wood, this timeline is the awakening process. If you are a troll, please stay away. He added that he hoped hes wrong about what he got from this remote viewing session. width: 199, It is up to each of us to see past this elaborate illusion to the truth that this was all a lesson in duality and it is almost over. This interview is also fabulous more food for my disclosure group (we have been discussing Quantum Jumping and the timelines) and I am so excited and inspired, as ALL of your questions were ones I wanted answered! From 37:00, Bill Wood says, you cant prevent fate, you cant prevent the end of this lesson called duality from its eventual conclusion. These protocols were not developed by the military or an intelligence agency, as it could have been expected, but by an artist (a painter), Ingo Swann, who described them as a basic theoretical overview of why remote viewing works. (Everybodys Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind, 1991). An attempt was made to look into the future, but no concrete data was able to be received past the infamous date of December 21st, 2012, suggesting that this date is a nexus point in time, whereby either timeline one or timeline two would gain momentum. (stillnessinthestorm.com), Burisch suggested that the positive timeline had an over 80% likelihood of coming to fruition and since today, we are nine years beyond that date in 2012 and no major cataclysms have occurred, we are most likely well entrenched in the positive timeline. (stillnessinthestorm.com).
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