[Music]. It's all-you-can-eat and all you can shoot. My name is David Sharpe, Founder and CEO of Companions for Heroes. So this is actually the first screenshots of the new version that we're gonna be releasing starting next month so this is I've never showed this to anybody but this is basically it, we provide a catalog of pre-built marketing funnels that you can just drop into your business and get results immediately. Let's run through this calculation once again we start with our AO multiply gross margin with an $80 our AO and a gross margin to 40% we get a net REO of $48 then we consider a 40% churn in a discount rate of 0% this method leverages growth rate to arrive at the same $120 of method wah so then we are comparing apples to apples as much as possible across all three methods. Okay so a few tricks for this for this stage we can trigger various sequences or campaigns based on video watch time someone who watches 10% of a sales video is very different from someone who watches 90% of a sales video you should be communicating with them very very differently so triggering different micro funnels or campaigns based on that we'll always help okay an abandoned cart sequence lots and lots of people are getting to your buy page your checkout page and they're leaving what are you doing about that okay adding more mechanisms of communication that last presentation touched on this webinars SMS a call center Direct Mail wingless voicemail these are all things that you can use to communicate the the sales element to change that change those behaviors okay we can go through any of those here's some examples this is a campaign by a marketer a very smart marketer he's out in Australia and he had he had a an event like this right and he did over two hundred thousand dollars in two weeks with this funnel this is a screenshot of our software I've actually printed this out and if you want a copy of this just go to the back where you did the checkout and and you can have one of these but basically this funnel is an example of what we're talking about you can see he's bringing traffic in a few different traffic sources and they're going to a sales page typical funnel behavior however he is basically segmenting his list based on how they respond so for example he might send out an email that's that that has one angle of why they should attend his event the people that click on that email will receive a different message on the sales page then the next email he might send out which is another reason they should attend the event so essentially he's segmenting people based on who they are and what they are all about so one might be we're gonna talk about paid advertising the people that click on that email are different from the people who click on the one about e-commerce marketing or something else you get what I'm saying this is very very powerful in two weeks with a local segment of his list he did over two hundred thousand dollars here's another one that illustrates this this is my buddy Jason Hornick this is an 800 percent ROI a campaign very very powerful what he does is he has again he's segmented his audience and he's sending out different communications so these are blog posts he's sending about in different categories of who his customer is and he's sending Facebook ads to each one so essentially he's attracting different types or different segments of his prospect audience and he's sending them through the funnel for different communication uses so using retargeting he's able to send them back through the funnel with with a messaging based on who they are so it's like a conversation for each person very very powerful and then if you follow it he basically takes them through a sequence of upsells step one step two then he has a webinar step one step two and that's it it's not complicated it really isn't so even though there's a lot of pictures on the screen what it is is different behaviors different beliefs and different little micro funnels to bring about that last one is Ryan Levesque super smart guy he's doing way better even now but this is a campaign that does one hundred and fifty thousand leads per day okay very simple funnel he takes them through he asks them certain questions are you a male or are you a female in many markets this a big difference if you're a female that the conversation is very different if you're a male different so there's a process of uncovering what are the different segments of your audience and you want to basically bring different communication sequences different customer journeys for each segment this is how you take a a mediocre performing funnel to an advanced high level and I'm not talking about little bumps I'm talking about two three four X growth of a typical marketing funnels this is a quick funnel that we did super super powerful it's a it's it's modeled after a friend of mine and I'll tell you his numbers this campaign is basically four videos that goes out okay and he's selling a product for four for $2,000 okay he found that if people get through and watched the fourth video ninety percent of them zero percent of them will buy okay I've never seen conversions like that at all okay the way he's able to get 90% conversions buying a two thousand dollar product is by sending these follow-up emails based on video watch time simple if someone watches 10 percent of the video these are the sequence of emails that happen if someone gets through 90 percent these are the sequence so all he's doing is if you didn't finish the video he sends two follow-up email saying hey go back and watch go back and watch go back and watch by the time they get so he gets a lot of people to watch all his videos and that triggers that 90 percent conversion rate I hope you're seeing this is this is unheard of this is very very powerful and also not not complicated okay is this making sense making sense are you ready to take it up a notch because what I'm about to share nobody's doing nobody's doing so where we're at in the marketing space at least how we see it is what I just talked about is the peak or the extremes of marketing okay where we have sophisticated automation happening based on what people are doing on and off your website and this can this can explode your business where we're going now as a market is to the next level and this we've seen we're starting to see the results this will catapult your business again and this is where we use intelligence by intelligence I mean artificial intelligence and I know that word might sound scary but it's not as scary as it sounds is that yeah okay to me this is the holy grail of marketing because all we've been trying to do as online marketers is we're trying to replicate what we know works the best at scale what works the best is when I'm talking to someone face to face and I can mirror everything I can see what they're doing every eye twitch everybody move I can adapt my presentation to them based on what I'm seeing okay a lot of you are might be sales and coaching and so you get high conversions that way it's not uncommon that three out of four people you talk to on a one-on-one basis we'll do business with you okay and that's because it's one-on-one adaptive marketing all we've been doing since the internet began is trying to find a way to replicate that at scale and what I've seen in the research and the testing that we've done is that I think we're finally here or really really close and this is extremely powerful this is where we can adapt to the behaviors people are exhibiting in real time okay so it show your funnel is just is just like a conversation so in the last quantum leap we talked about how you can predict you can document the different behaviors that people are taking with this is you can detect the behaviors that you see happening and the intelligent system can automatically adapt to it I'll give you some examples Amazon Prime there are trillion-dollar Amazon is a trillion dollar company what right now and I think it's enlarged Lee in part to what I'm talking about they've been doing this for many years and they've exploded as a result in 2013 five years ago they were getting seventy five percent conversion rates thirty five percent of all their sales came from what I'm talking about intelligent adaptive funnels so they will look at your browsing patterns of what pages you're seeing how long you stay on the page and they will basically give product recommendations based on that they will look at I remember and I flipped out when I saw it I was in the market for a television and I was browsing a couple then I started getting emails about that television that I was just looking at checking out and what did I do I ended up buying the television this is extremely powerful because it's talking to me and only me based on what I'm doing intelligent adaptive predictive funnels give you a couple examples we can watch the mouse movements that your prospects are taking through your funnel we can see people who are little who are hesitating they're exhibiting the behaviors of a buyer or a non buyer and based on algorithms you can say hey this is that we classify this person as a non buyer let's introduce a behavior microphone will change okay a little pop-up window says hey you might so you may have seen things like call them exit Papas where the mouse is moving to leave the screen and something comes up and that works really well this takes it to a whole other level where someone can just be scrolling down the page doing what they're doing behaving the way they normally behave and the system can pick it up because exceeds what everyone else has done and says hey this is this is someone who's getting ready to leave when you do things like that it's just it's insane okay for example how many of you know that your landing page speed is a direct correlation with your conversions the faster your pages load the higher your conversions okay well what if you could predict click behavior so you can look at your funnel and see what pages are people likely to click on next and what if you could preload that page in the background so you get instant page speeds instant so our technology we have what looks to be there like some of the fastest page speeds on the planet because we're able to predict what people are gonna do next so just by taking an existing campaign that might be on a different technology and using something like ours you can get conversion increases email look-alikes this is powerful a lookalike audience on like Facebook is where you can upload a list of your customers and using its network it's always its intelligence more artificial intelligence using its network it will find other customer other people who are like that and you and if any of you have experimented with that it's very powerful well you can do that yourself with your email you can say here are my customers who are the people who I want to find others like and so now you can send emails to those people who are likely to be customers before they're actually customers another one LTV prediction this is also very powerful based on behavior matching you can predict the lifetime value with a good level of accuracy it's not perfect but it doesn't need to what their lifetime value is gonna be if you do any of this stuff you know how powerful that is it takes many many months to know what the lifetime value of a customer is well you can predict that and so your marketing changes if some if a brand new person comes in and they are matching the behavior characteristics of someone who who spends ten thousand dollars with me I'm gonna market to them differently I can take more risks with that person so this stuff is extremely powerful I could go into more detail but there's lots and lots of things that you can do to start to get to that holy grail of that one-on-one marketing and what we're seeing is that there is quantum leaps improvements with each of these which each of these categories of things that you can do when you do these things so in summary I'm gonna just summarize all this and show you guys how you can get some of this technology the minimum cost to do this yourself is like a hundred thousand dollars because a lot of this technology is brand new it's just coming onto the market and there's just a few providers to do it we've built tech we spent all this here building tech and testing to do all of this stuff for you automatically and we're starting to see results that are you know they're they're very very very powerful and so where we're at in our phase because we're gonna be launching this in 2019 is we're trying to do case studies to validate the results that we're seeing okay so if you'd like to have this done for you we're doing the case studies because we need to prove the numbers that we're seeing okay so I'm just gonna go through because Nate asked me to a couple of ways that we can work together if you're interested so if you want everything we're working with a few people one on one to produce case studies with what I've been talking about because this is this is where we do all the work for you so we've been doing case studies all this year and we're at the final leg and we have a few more spots if you're interested basically to qualify you need to have a hundred thousand transactions of some kind orders email us because that's where you get the maximum value okay and so in this we build out and launch a campaign that will beat your best marketing campaign over the last six months by 50% or more that's basically what we're what we're trying to do for you okay if this is you and you're interested it's simple just text me and we'll see if it's a fit or not okay quantum leap one and two this is advanced funnels and extreme automation so this is where you use our technology and then we work closely to help you reach success so we're doing a pre-release of our Xtreme automation software the first week of November official launch is January but like I said we need we're looking for case studies so if you wanted it's 497 a month but Nate asked me to offer a special deal for add some people and so basically for the price of 10 months you'll have it for 16 months we've never done a deal like that so basically if you do that you won't see a renewal payment until March 2020 so 10 months up front you get it to March 2020 I've got the link down there it's not going to be a big pitch but basically if you're interested if this is something that could be a value for you there's an opportunity to get it no one else has it this is right now because we're launching next year if you want quantum leap number one which is just a funnel building part this is where you do the work we still help and there's just basic funnels it's not automation but it still can get you great results it's 197 a month but also same deal applies price of 10 months you have it for 16 months so if you're interested simple go to that URL down there 10 minute funnels comm slash event if you're interested in us actually working hands-on with you we're not an agency but we're doing just a couple of case studies before the end of the year text me we're only gonna do it for probably about five more people so it's kind of first-come first-served if it's interest you can text me my things right there a couple bonuses if you're interested we've got pre-built funnels 1.3 million dollars of pre-built funnels in there at any level if you get these are plug-and-play funnels that have worked in our businesses that you can just plug in yours we're doing a five-week funnel building workshop where we go into detail on this stuff and this is the first time that I'm offering myself for one-on-one assistance because again the goal is getting these case studies in place for what we're trying to do next year okay personal guarantee is six takes sixty days to try an ROI 100% risk-free money back the goal isn't to pitch or to get a bunch of sales that's not what we're trying to do my personal selfish goal is I want to prove this out I want to really prove that the numbers we've seen we are seeing are as good as we're saying they are and no one would believe us unless we can show real hard evidence we've been doing it for three quarters so far this year and so we're on the last leg if this is of interest to you just let me know okay and that's it I'm out of time but if you've got any questions I'd be happy to answer one or two maybe one one [Music] you [Music], [Music] Hey guys it's Brit Lane with Ingenious Marketing and today on FDCs EECOM education blog we're going to talk about is SEO and e-commerce. The two don't seem to fit but they absolutely do based on the conversation you and I were having just before we came on. So you didn't want to be the cheapest guys you want to be the best guys. For instance a box might come in a minimum order quantity of a thousand boxes. We want to spend more time and development. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. A lot of businesses do until they realize that managing logistics the right way takes a lot more time and resources than they anticipated. Let's say you have a product that you sell online and somebody orders your product. All other states will have some sort of sales tax and each state could be a different amount, this is what makes it hard to track it by yourself or in a spreadsheet. So imagine your checkout page first thing is on the checkout page you need to have clear and conspicuous disclosure of the billing terms and cancellation terms. Maybe it is your brand. Thank you [Music], [Music] [Music] Alright alright alright how are you guys doing? Well it was a problem with this new brand and if you're trying to draw in new customers if you're trying to draw in people who are gonna use your product or service for the first time but your offers are not really easy to understand you're shooting yourself in the foot. 71% of users still use so I use Chrome and that's probably a little higher now but the rest use these other browsers so make sure that your page loads good on all of these browsers test it yourself download all these browsers. Somebody's asking you know for a mechanic, or chiropractor, for a dentist, for a roof or whatever. If you're growing a customer's value over time this is an important number inside of the CLTV calculation the criticism of this method is that it is too complex and it leverages growth rate which is speculative it can water down the CL TV calculation. Not one single problem. So you essentially utilized your determination to be in quotes the cheapest cars to make access readily available to folks who didn't understand the difference between the cheapest guys and the best guys. That's right that's right. Thank you for tracking with Fulfillment.com! [Music], [Music] Hello there and welcome to Fulfillment.com ecommerce education vlog. [Music], [Music] Welcome to FDCs econ vlog my name is Chris Hibbs and I'm one of the Head Accountants at Easier Account. Getting fulfillment time, okay so I started after the military a couple things happen. My priority is to stay up-to-date on the best metrics and calculations specifically for CLTV. I was in need of a company that can handle a to z customer service delivery domestically but also with the ability to scale international. Tollfree Number: +1 8557882304. 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