"I was right all along they . A role play interview questions involves a participative scenario where your skills and responses are tested in the present, in real time. Answer with complete honesty and if you have an opportunity to, explain the circumstances. Share how you handle such setbacks and what you would do to avoid repeating them. They gave me 20 min to write down my answer, and then 20 min to answer them about the question. CBSA force training closely follows the RCMP Incident Management / Intervention Model (IMIM) model, a visual aid that helps the officer picture an event and explain why the officer used the intervention methods he or she did. Canada's inflation rate peaked in June at 8.1 per cent and dropped in November to 6.8 per cent. What happens during an interview role play? Thorough research the role and offer what you learned about the CBSA history. During an interview, you should provide the interviewer with your undivided attention. You'll want to come across as decisive, while addressing the medical requirements of this individual. What action would you take? This includes being able to judiciously build stronger interpersonal relationships with empathy. Discuss your ability to adapt your communication style to others. Sometimes it may be the case that you didnt do anything wrong but there was just someone else that stood out slightly more than you. Research the role and get in character. CBSA hiring authorities are looking for evidence that you have fully researched the agency in preparation for the interview. Anything that can be attributed to your growth. Depending on the policies in place, you'll likely need to start an incident report where you'll gather all the client's information. So, they're evaluating where you fall between being an asset versus a liability. When you have your pre-employment physical, the doctor typically takes a brief medical history, conducts a basic physical exam, measures blood pressure, conducts lab work, possibly a drug test and sends you on your way. This course touched on many subjects such as interview and investigation, psychology, criminology, and issues in diversity. Be sure to highlight any awards, scholarships, or accolades that you may have received while earning your post-secondary credentials. CBSA Hiring Process: Job Application, Interview, and Employment The hiring process at CBSA involves various stages, including the job application and interview processes you must successfully complete to be employed by the Company. A role play interview questions involves a participative scenario where your skills and responses are tested in the present, in real time. Before your interview, take the time to review their information on the CBSA government website, especially their Respect core value statement and their code of conduct for available information on diversity and inclusion. If you can't identify what sets you apart, ask others. Situational questions pose hypothetical situations you may face in the future, with a 'what would you do' response. Therefore, try to decompress and find your confidence before the interview. Your answer is very confident! Before that he failed his RCMP application. Interview questions were first added on December 10th, 2013, Interview answers were first added by Rachelle Enns on March 28th, 2020, Interview questions and answers were updated by Rachelle Enns on March 28th, 2020, 5 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on March 18th, 2021, 1 community answer was added by Rachelle Enns on March 27th, 2021, 30 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on March 29th, 2021, 1 community answer was added by Rachelle Enns on March 31st, 2021, 4 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 2nd, 2021, 9 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 3rd, 2021, 2 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 4th, 2021, 9 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 8th, 2021, 2 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 9th, 2021, 5 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 10th, 2021, 13 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 11th, 2021, 5 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 13th, 2021, 2 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 19th, 2021, 7 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 21st, 2021, 11 community answers were added by Stephanie Cafaro on May 9th, 2021, 129 questions and/or answers were updated by Kevin Downey on July 7th, 2022, Checked for grammar and spelling mistakes by Ryan Brown on July 7th, 2022, 401 questions and/or answers were updated by Kevin Downey on July 31st, 2022, Checked for grammar and spelling mistakes by Ryan Brown on July 31st, 2022. So, before disagreeing with your supervisor, you should have a full understanding and appreciation of the tactics they employ to address a 'problem'. If you've never involved yourself with illegal substances, state that with conviction, and that any associated behavior is against your values, morals, and nature. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. "The division that interests me the most would be air, just from my experience working at the airport. Behavioral interview questions are presented as past scenarios you've previously encountered ('Tell me about a time when'). A situational interview question is very similar to a behavioral interview question. Unskilled communicators are more likely to recruit their supervisors for help. This is the primary reason not to get nervous. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful with the MMPI-2/Stress Test. This includes you. In an interview, you are your most influential advocate, so be prepared to advertise your merits with measured confidence and humility. Failed Case Interview, Sharing My Experience and Asking for Thoughts emanrocks89 CO Rank: Senior Chimp | 20 Hi everyone, I recently been through my first case interview. Do some fast physical exercises. At the end of the role play, they will probably offer you feedback on your performance. Share the breadth of your knowledge, in summary, while communicating clearly. A CBSA officer (or two officers) will conduct an interview at borders and airports in two parts. At the end of your answer, consider further qualifying yourself by providing real-life examples of how you exude respect, integrity, and professionalism. Making decisions under pressure are challenging and can lead to task paralysis. Think about many of the questions you've been asked in this set. The CBSA states, 'Values cannot be considered in isolation from each other, as they often overlap. I have a lot of experience working in hospitality and catering to the needs, emotions, and expectations of people. "I maintain my cool and do not easily lose my temper. Don't just read through the materials they provide you with and assume you are ready. So, before making any suggestions for improvements, it is necessary to fact gather and explore its potential before approaching your supervisors with your suggestion. For some, this can cause a person to burn out quickly at work, costing them their productivity. Was the message you meant to send truly received, or was it lost in translation? They're interested in learning your style of leadership and how you navigate challenges while motivating those on your team. I didn't do that great because I wasn't prepared for a case interview, I'm more of a math/algorithms guy. Amid a significant workload and considerable stress, CBSA needs to see that you will remain a team player who supports every member of their team, officer, and agent around you. Physical evaluation 5. Hungary's foreign minister strongly criticized the European Union's sanctions against Russia, arguing they have damaged . It will test your critical thinking skills and how quickly and decisively you are able to respond and react to the situations they'll present you with. Not only do they have a vested interest in determining how accurate your expectations are, but they also need to make sure you are made of the right stuff to handle the pressures associated with the job. Walk them through your approach and steps for managing a new project and how you would direct your team. Perhaps you didn't make enough eye contact, or maybe you couldn't think . For that reason, I will do everything to ensure that I act in integrity and abide by the CBSA ethos on and off duty.'. They will evaluate your choice of words, your body language, and any tells which might reveal your level of commitment. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation.When entering the situation, try to remain confident and relaxed. The diversity of our people and the ideas they generate are the source of our innovation.' For instance, you could tell a brief story of a time when you took the lead on the job, even when it was not an expectation of your role. Let me know if you'd like further clarification :). Lastly, it will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively while objectifying the situation. I have a quick inquiry that I am extremely eager to find out for sure: I successfully completed the interview component of the process back in April. Paperwork and filing reports can be repetitive and monotonous. This letter usually comes after some failed hearing or application the person has made to stay or remain in Canada. Recently, I(set the stage for a story of a time when you witnessed a screening officer steal from a passenger). Find additional company focused interview questions by practicing from one of our industry sets. It illustrates a conviction to learn, grow, and develop that recruiters are usually on the hunt for. Show the hiring authorities that you have a firm understanding of all expectations placed on you from an ethical standpoint, should you be hired. (FINAL QUALIFYING STATEMENT) I will never allow myself to commit such actions, and I believe in taking positive action at all times, no matter what temptations may cross my path.". Addressing the needs of your team early on rather than later speaks to your decisiveness, judgement, personal integrity, your values and ethics. "I have always admired how CBSA officers manage their responsibilities and that is why I applied to become one. German-Egyptian scholar Hamed Abdel-Samad said in an interview that was posted to the Brother Rachid TV channel on YouTube on November 17, 2022 that Islam has been "distorted" from the beginning and that countries that implement shari'a law such as Afghanistan, ISIS, Iran, and the Boko Haram have failed to produce ideal societies. During any role play, you'll be scored on any variety of competencies. Canada Border Services Agency employees must prepare to react swiftly and appropriately during times of global strain. "I believe in behaving correctly in terms of honesty and integrity even when no one is looking, such as bribery, personal gain, lying, etc. I joined a local MMA gym. I also believe that the expectations outlined in the code of conduct are those that can be expected of a competent professional who displays integrity in and out of the workplace. The hiring authorities at Canada Border Services Agency would like a detailed breakdown of your training and any other educational experiences related to your career, especially those which are transferable to customs, border control, security, or law enforcement. These questions have been developed to assess 4 of the required competencies to become a CBSA officer trainee. So, without compromising your integrity, without compromising the respect you've earned from the rest of the team, nor betraying the trust of the coworker who confided in you, your approach should exhibit integrity, professionalism, and discretion. The first steps to handling a difficult decision is by identifying what resources are at your disposal, gathering information, determining a strategy for moving forward, and diving in. Every day as a police officer can present situations that can be emotionally . Discuss how you remain helpful and collaborative, regardless of the volume of work or pressures on any given day. The values of the Canada Border Services Agency guide them in everything they do, and their hiring authorities want to ensure the person they hire already embraces their core values of respect, integrity, and professionalism. You should feel confident in your abilities and excited to prove your worth. I like that you are already answering in 'we' terms in the sense that you already have the job. If you can, amp yourself up physically, if you are of able body. I do recommend becoming a touch more specific. They take on major tasks and are regarded as professionals which is something I aspire to. Your answer will clue them in to your passions, hobbies, and your job-centric interests and how they align with what they have to offer. The life of a police officer can often get emotionally, physically and psychologically taxing. Avoid offering specific examples, since this is a situation question dealing with a hypothetical 'what if', rather than a 'tell me about a time when' behavioral question. Canada Border Services Agency includes 'integrity' in its core values. You may call during normal business hours at (952) 857-2907. You will also be scored on how well you interact with the actors, especially on the level of the respect and sensitivity you exhibit concerning race and diversity. This question tests your approach towards teamwork and how supportive you are with the other members of your team. Not until you are in that leadership position will the ultimate responsibility be on your shoulders. They are also curious how familiar you are with their code of conduct, and how seriously you take it by how well versed you are. Poor morale has the potential to burn out your teams and can be detrimental to productivity. Failing a technical interview categorically does not mean you're a bad engineer. Whenever possible, I recommend adding a qualifying statement at the end of your response. I enjoyed the environment and getting to interact with people from all over the world. Watch your body language in the mirror. They could potentially compromise the efforts of the team as a whole. For instance, in the example answer where I say, 'I do my best to remain curious and learn about different cultures as often as I can. For Situational questions, the recommended approach is to apply the ARC method. Using the ARC method, describe the action you would take in this situation, and elaborate on the reasoning behind your actions. 22.02.2021 - DBSA's Executive of Origination and Client Coverage, Mohan Vivekanandan joins Alishia Seckam for a discussion on economic stimulus strategies, . What you want to convey is your general attitude and approach to team building and relationship building. I've provided a starter example for you below. A common mistake for an employee to make is to assume why a policy is in place before asking clarifying questions. "A pandemic is a global disease such as SARS or COVID-19. Your annual salary will increase to $69,486 to $82,411 (FB-03). Your answer will also offer insights into how sound your judgement is, while revealing your personal integrity, your values and ethics. CBSA looks for individuals who naturally act like a leader. ", "n a democratic country like Canada, people of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and genders should be treated equally, and that's how I plan to support those efforts, never being biased in my decision-making and treating everyone with fairness.". My experience is valuable to the job because I currently maintain those principles. Naturally, I am a calm and confident person, and it's pretty hard to get me rattled emotionally. Offer any career accolades, personal achievements, industry-related training, linguistics, or volunteer work. "The values are respect, integrity, and professionalism. If you have a real-life example to provide, it's a great idea to walk the interviewer through your reaction and the outcome using the STAR framework (Situation, Task, Action, Result). That is what I aspire to be should I be given an opportunity with the CBSA". Hence, these were not hard decisions to make.". once by a CBP officer (USA). So, assume the role you are to perform, even if it doesn't seem related to the role. However, someone who is frequently governed by their stress or allows their behavior to be dictated by their emotions. This question tests your integrity, your scope of the teamwork at play, and what you can learn from the experience initially. Coming across bodies is certainly a unique benchmark - the interviewer may have some follow up questions there, so it may be an appropriate time to tell a brief story around that situation when you are in your interview. You want to support your management's ability to do their job while adhering to the standards and guidelines put out by HR whose conduct is often informed by their legal department. Your interviewer is assessing if you're more social and team-oriented versus task-oriented and introverted. Take time to review and learn all such relevant information on their website. Whether you read law-related books, follow particular news journals or subscribe to a blog related to law enforcement and security, be sure to show your enthusiasm for building your knowledge base. 9. I have a healthy lifestyle which includes working out, spending quality time with family, and praying. If you have additional language skills, make sure to include details on your resume. Research the body language of someone who is confident and relaxed in a seated position. Basically, to exert a positive attitude and repress a negative one towards anyone.". Share your skill level. "I will put my utmost effort into supporting my colleagues in order to reduce crime and illegal drugs. They are on the same team as you and your team leader. They'll likely have presented the role to you in advance, giving you anywhere from a day to 5-10 minutes to prepare. This scenario will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. Since you work in a similar environment already, can you share how you currently support your co-workers? I would like to be involved in those efforts as soon as possible. This is where the STAR framework will come in very handy. I was on academic suspension but while that period i was studying in bcit as a part timer. This tests your ability to step outside of your comfort zone, your flexibility in prioritizing this issue over your other concerns, your ability to meet your client's needs, your communication skills, your sense of teamwork, your composure, conscientiousness and reliability. On their website, CBSA partly defines their core value of respects as meaning, 'treating all people with respect, dignity, and fairness.' We accept responsibility for our actions in order to build and maintain a reputation of trustworthiness and accountability.' By that time, the candidate had already passed through most of the steps in this lengthy hiring process - the written exam, the oral board interview, the background investigation, agility test, medical examination, and even a polygraph (which is required by . ), be upfront about them. Depending on the situation, you may pass through to the next stage of candidacy. These questions are hypothetical and therefore applicants do not require any prior knowledge of the CBSA. These are good examples of integrity, and it's wonderful that you can observe this behavior and have the mindset to report it, so the dishonesty does not spread. Your idea of showing respect to others is exactly what the world needs :) Your plan to support the CBSA's efforts towards respect is straightforward and will be a strong example to others who observe you at work. I work very hard to be a calm and reasonable person. It's apparent that you have observed CBSA officers' work, and you sound confident in your ability to jump into the role and see long-term success. Canada Border Services Agency puts integrity and character first when making hiring decisions. Consider this a part of the test as well. Software Price: $59.98; Testing . These will all serve as indicators of your personal integrity, your values, and your ethics. Lastly, it will test your ability to identify the client's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured their concerns are going to be addressed in a manner that exceeds their expectations. This is a good start, and I like your enthusiasm. I pose a situational question in the future tense, to see how you would respond to a hypothetical situation you may not have encountered yet. An agency such as the CBSA will perform a background check on any candidates they seriously consider advancing. Exam Code: CBSA; Exam Name: BTA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect; Updated: Jan 10, 2023; Q & A: 230 Questions and Answers; Uses the World Class CBSA Testing Engine. Due to the nature of the BSO's duties in dealing with difficult people and situations, I have also undertaken training on how to interact with distressed individuals.". Your ethics your values, and praying my cool and do not easily lose my temper make... 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