And without getting too political its a good chance that the persons who own these properties will be liberal voters so called free marketers who abhor the intervention of government in their day to day life.. except when it concerns their interests.. Nup it is anchored to the bedrock. Hear, hear! This process must require wind over thousands of years but people and waves stomping over dunes seems like any dune system near a popular town once destroyed wont come back? Has any one ever suggested an off shore reef, seems like a win-win or is the sea floor unsuitable? Yamashita (2020) "Living together with seawalls: Risks and reflexive modernization in Japan". More than likely entombed in one of those tetrapod molds you mentioned above. Fight the good fight mate. Drone footage over Collaroyafter the June 2016 'Black Nor'easter swell' (Photo: UNSW Water Research Laboratory). Beaches with hard structures can return, though it takes longer, and rocks and concrete in the wave zone also make for a dangerous combination. I looked at the Bruun rule - i think it was roughly 10cm sea level rise = 1metre of beach vanishes? Yes and do they have tactile indicators in the correct place? Maybe "Collaroy" is the aboriginal word for "Stupid White people"? 42 online submissions ALL supporting the wall but many seem to think it would be a sloping rock construction. It never stood a chance. Cyclonic activity isnt forecast to increase at all - I think the jury actually out on that at the moment, east coast of Australia in a 500 year dip too on cyclonic activity. A sneaky second application, for the vertical wall was seen by very few. It's propped up by the NSW and local governments way beyond the importance or value of that stretch of private land. For those who may not know, the private land issue is complicated in NSW in particular (less so in other states) by the existence of ambulatory land boundaries which are set at various levels of the tide eg mean high water. Didnt hear boo about that from anyone ? It looks like Chernobyl. 1. I first noticed them when I went to Nijjima island in the early 90's and asked what were they reply was to protect the land from erosion.they actually had the moulds for the TP's there and just kept making them when needed.. Council and State Government contribute 10% each. Do you know how deep the bedrock is? In blustery, unfavourable conditions, people began lining up at 4.00pm Saturday afternoon (27 November) between Collaroy and Narrabeen to form a 'line in the sand' against the seawall's construction. Well now we know who is responsible for this debacle. >>Is that because he has been paid already?? At what point are they a write-off? (AO) I'm invested now, and want to know the latest. More to come once the other residents agree to pay their contribution. Done well they could create added atmosphere to the beach life we love to live here for. Structures appeared. I also presume the view of the houses will be enhanced by the no trespassing signs in large red writing. Hourly Multiple Swells Wind Highlighting Model Units ft, mph. Perfect future film location for backwash kook of the day. The protest was backed by the growing greens movement at the time and successfully pressured the then Warringah Council to knock back the protective walls. In the other pic you can see the completed section of the wall. With the benefit of ignorance, having not seen the actual plans, I'd be surprised if the foundations were able to fail easily as I'd expect they'd have been designed explicitly to avoid it. I think this was done for the first DA, the sloping rock wall, rather than the vertical one that was actually built. OK this is the real one. check out the beach erosion in Apollo bay as well "Once this is up it'll be a momentum for others to do it too," said Orth. Might discuss that with @surfriderfoundation and Surfrider Foundation Sunshine Coast, and those people and localised groups finding themselves in positions of having to fight this idiocy. nothing that a annual maintenance fee paid for by the taxpayer can't fix. It's corrupt to the eyeballs and the only winners are the crooked pollies and the dodgy construction companies while the once beautiful Japanese coastline is lost forever. I think they would be very happy with an ugly seawall. If no acquisition or buyback is made, then good luck to the owners trying to sell these properties. Inevitable as the ocean winning, is a painted "cock and balls" on that wall. Yep, basically pork-barrelling on a massive scale and the Japanese sold them the lie too. A quick trip Todos Santos way during a belting nor'west swell. Surely, private properties can be protected but public amenities will require huge ongoing costs to keep up with the public requirement (sand nourishment is the first thing that comes to mind). @yeti. If the council are desperate to get a liability off their books then they have totally screwed it. Tetrapods work but don't protect the adjacent beach very well unless there are multiple groynes. If you look a bit to the north you can see the relatively intact beach with a decent amount of sand. Te Puna Aonui is the joint venture of government agencies that will deliver Te Aorerekura. Is Carties a perfect candidate for a coastal engineering and resculpting project that kills two birds with one stone: that fixes the harbour entrance shoaling problem and turns Carties into an actual quality wave? Would be interesting to see the state of that beach on the north side of breakwall now, This was the same dune system a few years before all these easterlies. Dates announced for Spencer Frost and Guy Williment's film shot in Russia's far east. The lessons, it would seem, are still being learnt. It's a travesty in so many ways and a very poor precedent for other parts of the coast which will be deemed vulnerable to sea level rise. Also, it's a not so secret secret, anyone who speaks out about this have been known to disappear. Thanks Lilas, Go figure! Pipeline specialist injured while duckdiving in heavy waves. Pre-existing or failing seawalls (if any) should be removed as part of Step 2. Collaroy Stormwater Pipe Outlet Seawalls protect the bases of cliffs, land and buildings against erosion in areas where rapid coastal erosion is beginning to pose a serious threat to. This forms a foredune and a backdude. heres a rad idea for you,dig canal from coast to central Australia which is considerably below sea level and flood the interior.could also be done in death valley that could be a wave pool!! Its brutalist engineering, says Gordon frankly. The properties were bought in good faith, said one local who wished to remain anonymous, and the owners must feel an obligation for the authorities to protect them, but a seawall is last century thinking.. Theyre only a couple of hundred years away from The theory is that the waves break further offshore, soaking up wave energy that would otherwise erode the leeshore dune system during storms. And it was created many years ago when coastal property was much lower in value and the bang for buck was much higher. And since there's been no budget allocated for future buy backs. This clearly did not happen at Collaroy. It will improve beach access. There are some fed govt areas that listen to this thinking. A much higher amplitude as well. I think we have already seen 19 cm of sea level rise on the east coast - and at least up here it hasnt translated to any significant/extended erosion issues. High-quality Collaroy Beach Wall Art designed and sold by artists. Sounds like the beach will be off limits/ too dangerous to walk on for weeks until the NSW Beaches Council recovers the rusting rebarb & concrete waste scattered along the beach then? By doing so they have encouraged similar management intervention from beachside landholders by 1. demonstrating part liability for coastal erosion processes by building such a structure that threaten adjacent properties and 2. Construction of a seawall is underway to protect homes at Collaroy Beach. We do, but unfortunately we also have a pervasive mindset in surfing that everything should stay the same as it was back in the good old days. "community engagement", and my personal favourite "building resilience". And more recently there was a local magazine piece discussing future sea level rises and the Noosa beach rock wall not being able to contain that, plus the homes along the Sunshine Beach to Peregian Beach stretch being at future risk, and councils would be needing to address that. I will check with him and report back. Normally large swells from the SW have very little affect on the beaches around here because the great ocean rd is comprised of Rocky headland after headland. So where public assets like roads are involved things get really sticky. Man, that'd get old real quick, happy to pass. It is possible that this is part of the Silverback's Seachange pork barrel rollout. Greed and stupidity rule in councils . I wonder whats worse this concrete monstrsity or the digital identity certifcate which is about to be become a reality unless you put some energy into being another voice presenting a social inclusivity rather than If there is an identity card, then people in authority will want to put it to use.What is at stake is nothing less than the nature of our society and the power and authority of the state over the individual. The only place for a residence next to Narrabeen Beach was up on the headland. The problem is one of vertical fiscal imbalance. The Collaroy seawall was in part constructed after a significant storm event in 2016 eroded 50 metres along the Narrabeen and Collaroy shoreline, causing damage to waterside properties. My parents in NZ were excited when they took out bloodymangroves at the mouth of the estuary where they lived. How many parts of the great ocean rd could have to close and the emergency that would lead to. As I understand it, governments have been reluctant to purchase vulnerable properties because there will be so many of them and the public purse could never afford it. It's been seven years since the last, but the event has been called on off for this Wednesday - Hawaiian time. Meanwhile, those on the other side of the divide are fearing the precedent of a return to hard structures and what this might mean for the rest of the Collaroy and Narrabeen beachfront, not to mention Wamberal, Old Bar, Byron Bay, and any other area where bad planning policy has created a wicked problem. 5 min [P] Call of the Wild skinny dip at yer local Sea-Walljust doing wot comes natural! 1. And please take a look at all the other ridicules things Coastal engineers are doing around this country so you can see the pattern of incompetence I am referring to. I do know the metro area was excluded from the NSW Coastal Policy for a long time because it was seen as too difficult, and that the CLPS was focussed on environmental values. Building a vertical [with over-top] wall is about as insane a design as you can get, as stated and proven by all the intelligent people on this forum. The Surfrider Foundation Australia organised a protest against the seawall that is being erected between Narrabeen and Collaroy. As good as a house on the beach would be imagine how much more beautiful the East Coast would be with a 1km + building buffer from the coast depending on the terrain. Rock barrels at its best! Btw when I say 4ft these waves 99.99% of the time are sloppy, they break for half a second and then dissapear and its an ugly wash for kms out to sea. 2020 Surfer keelhauled by Collaroy Stormwater Pipe {RIP} These walls stick straight up into the air like a fence made of steel or concrete. Over the coming fortnight there's a couple more swell forecast from the east-northeast and that'll really put the structures to the test. Lance Knight. Im not trying to be a dick about it. The fact that an engineer/s designed this crazy-ass wall is the concern I raised. I watched a 4 corners or foreign correspondent thing last year on the Japan sea walls. The politicians and land owners actions are an entirely separate discussion and I'm not entering into that minefield! Great article.. @Craig Surge and erosion even on protected beaches on the Mid North Coast today is nuts. She had reigned as Queen for 70 years. You would never be allowed to build an incorrectly designed bridge, so why do these people get away with doing that at our beaches ? Wherever there's a seawall the sand/beach washes away and makes it virtually impossible to enter or exit the water, not to mention the impact on the birdlife, fish and crustaceans that depend on the seasonal sand flow that comes with a healthy beach. Most of these dunes have been heavily impacted by the La Nia easterlies over the last 2 years causing several car parks next to the beaches to be roped off. Stick your comments up your arse fuckwit engineers dont approve shit like this they get paid to do what they are told direct your retarded comments at millionaire house owners and council you piece of shit. Step 3: Calculate the number of pilings that will be required. It would have been a bargain 20-30 years ago to buy the properties and return the space to the public for the purpose of more effective less intrusive, natural and cheaper remediation efforts. Hey guys I need to write an informative paper based on remedial measures used to protect infrastructure against erosion. My guess is that their engineers took a different view of how to best manage the situation. I wonder if they're intended as some kind of device to absorb/dissipate energy rather than as trafficable stairs? Yulex geta second chance at a first impression, and this time they makeit count. This also creates problems when people try and keep claiming land as shorelines migrate seaward in times of accretion. As mentioned in an earlier post, I place the blame fair and square at coastal engineers who design and approve these ill-fated designs. More than double in wealth the last 7 years. The primary mechanism for coastal land acquisition in NSW has been the Coastal Lands Protection Scheme, but it wasn't designed for climate/erosion buy-backs. I've written about it before but the real reason here is money- it is massive pork-barreling on an unprecedented scale. On Saturday November 27th hundreds of locals came down to Collaroy Beach / North Narrabeen Beach in grim weather conditions to protest the monstrous 7 meter . I think the wall is actually a good warning of exactly what governments mean by "adaptation and mitigation"..expensive projects for the construction industry rather than sound ecological management. What they fail to mention is the massive corruption that's involved in awarding these contracts and the fact that the construction companies themselves for the most part, are predominantly Yakuza. Operates out of the same premises. and the sick irony of the beach access sign detailing the seawall works with all "enquires to be made Isn't an extension to the Point Cartwright breakwall on the cards aa well? Brendan Donohoe says the . The council had an interest in preventing future erosion impacting Pittwater Rd, the main north-south artery on the NB. Bean counters at the local council know this too. Here's the full video with audio. The Gold Coast has undoubtedly the most at risk coastline in Australia. Futile. They are a method of hard engineering. Given that it seems to fly in the face of best practice, has anyone asked what the NSW Coastal Council has to say about it? Posted the story from that link here. But there will also be a range of other social and environmental grants on offer that the LGA will use to leverage off for on-going maintenance. For the most part I understand buybacks but, how will they appraise the value of these properties? Ha! Men sand-bag properties on Collaroy Beach Arlington Building and a run of houses to the north circa 1922. Look at offshore reefs around all the pacific islands. >>Really dumb idea. We had made a big mistake that would become bigger. We need to get all the data and expert opinions out in the open before decisions are made. Yep pretty significant increase in the height. Thanks so much zen! But unlike a rock revetment at Stockton, which gradually collapses into the beach, Collaroy's sheer concrete wall relies on deep foundations to stabilise it. So would you like to inform me as to WHO designed this monstrosity if it wasn't an Engineer? sea wall is perfect. This can easily be achieved by creating offshore reefs that reduce the energy to a level the beach can cope with. Ocean Pools > Skate Bowls > Wave Pools > "Boomer'z Backwash Booger Bowl", Crew requested the Turning Japanese Tool Box, History of Collaroy Erosion / Wave Pools / Tow Surfers. The second DA is now here. And this is on a small, weak windswell from the south-east. I recently moved house [Northern-Rivers nsw] and seal-level rise was a very serious consideration of mine. A development application (DA) before Northern Beaches Council would see two additional sections of vertical wall built 50 and 30 metres in length straddling the South Narrabeen Surf Club. If you look further to the north you can see an old, crumbling seawall (due for replacement- fucking industry perpetuates itself) and you can see the water breaks right on it, there's no sand. I get informed about a proposed bike lane two suburbs away, questions an aghast Donohoe, but I hear nothing about construction abutting a nearby public beach?, Gordon was equally puzzled: I guess people become frustrated with the bureaucratic process and find ways of not involving the public. How to Build a Seawall: Step 1: Conduct a thorough examination of the surrounding area and environment. It shows how different combinations of coastal defences and wave and tide conditions affect overtopping and flood risk. Even though they are sure to meet codethey dont look to going by the pic. 'This Pristine Beach Is One of Japans Last. Both!! It's good to see some enlightened input from Brendan and Angus, both of whom have extensive experience in coastal management from planning and engineering backgrounds. Wow, that is ugly even by brutalist/modernist standards. From the last set of minutes from the Wamberal Seawall advisory Taskforce Nov 18 2021. High-quality Collaroy Wall Art designed and sold by artists. Spot on tango. That 3-4x the height of the curved revetment? If he is an expert and this is what he designed, then I shudder to even imagine what the non-expert coastal engineers would design. Sea level rise equation is based on the Bruun Rule to ascertain erosion in open coastal areas like Collaroy. Would suck if you got amalgamated into Northern Beaches council then had to pay tax for this. Im sure Fraser Island will give some back.. Heard rumours that the Wamberal Seawall has got green light hopefully the central coast council read this article. In 2017, Gold Coast City Council funded, in conjunction with threatened property owners, an artificial reef offshore from Palm Beach. An "Engineer/s" designed this monstrosity and other "Engineers" approved it. Thats just a done deal. Its all about the squeaky wheel. The track became a road. And the properties either side?? The most notable benefit of sea walls is that they provide excellent protection against coastal erosion and flooding. Where I live though the beach has no erosion issues but the council is trying curtail landowners rights significantly due to potential sea level rises combined with 1 in 100 year storms etc. A quick trip Todos Santos way during a belting nor'west swell. Damaged houses and a collapsed swimming pool at Collaroy beach after waves of up to 8 metres hit the coast on June 6, 2016. I wrote to Many Hydraulics Laboratory to ask for the details regarding the sea wall assessment they produced. The devil is in the detail and the more we understand the science behind it the better. increases social amenity". Construction costs are 80% homeowner funded. Im worried they will put one of these in at a beachie around here as the carpark and rd are imminent to be taken by the ocean and Im sure that will dramatically change the profile of that beach. My comment in the other article also notes that across this region, "it is illegal to establish, maintain or use a spoil ground or other ocean disposal point (including dumping materials at sea)". They were concerned the sand directly in front of the seawall would be washed away, eroding their beach, and, on Tuesday, that's exactly what happened. All the reaserch I did seemed to show that the headland affect and beaches just north of those headlands, i.e. Wetsuits may never be the same again. when roads and buildings are about to fall into the sea. as my old mate hutch likes to say. Taxpayers pay millions of dollars on a asset that will require '000s thousands if not millions of dollars in annual maintenance to protect the value of a tiny handful of multi-million dollar properties owned by multi-millionaires who thought nothing of buying a property directly on a beach for a solution that only kicks the can down or up the coastline for some one one else to deal with. Contrast man-made against a natural barrier like mangroves (apologies for the sound, not my video), Trees work well for preventing erosion ONLY when the wave power is very minimal. @dawnperiscope I have limited state / lga experience but my perception is this broader thinking can get lost in short term self interest (putting it politely) as touched on by BB and others. Mind you theyve only been around for a year. why should the taxpayer pay to protect a small number of private landholders who actively choose to profit from purchasing in a tidal zone? The above video might be of interest to help understand the design of the wall. It would be possible to introduce a major sand nourishment program to move the shoreline seaward, says Gordon. But if I get burnt out, then someone's going to be held to account"! Granted the Reality series and Aero are ludicrously expensive at the $2,000 barrier, but they're promising to push a more immersive, satisfying VR experience that delivers on incredible fidelity. I will try and find some pics of my area. Northern Beaches council has received a new application by five local property owners to build two new sections of the wall in front of their properties to protect the homes from coastal .
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