This would also decrease CC Incs income greatly. The tax issues and whether to set up as a sole proprietorship or what not, I was left to figure out on my own.. I am not without experience or a newbie to the homeschool world, nor do I lack the giving of grace when I know were all a hot mess who need Jesus every second of our lives. The golden rule fails and is broken and they could care less. Well said, Maggie. TO quote another, if your profit is indeed that low it is because 1) the business model is set up to not allow you to actually be profitable or 2) you spend to much on expenses and didnt do so great at the business management. CC released her ebook on March 30, 2018, with only two weeks left in that years tax season. Also, all I can find on CCs worth is that it is between 10 15 million not the over dramatized amount of $100 million. Ferguson, however, disagreed that the company exerts unhealthy pressure. In an interview with The Roys Report, Brown said he told Bortins: You came into our facility. Homeschooled parents and children are sometimes exploited. They license a program, and theyre really more of a multi-level marketing organization.. SRs receive approximately 15% of CC student registration fees, 5% of curriculum sales, and some ancillary revenue, according to former CC area representative and homeschool mother of four from Arizona, JJ Veale. Instead, He answered with a realization that CC was no longer a good fit for my family educationally. Reread the section on the cleansing of the temple. Most of these directors and similar are the suckers in the middle. Find A Community View Programs Watch Video Watch Video What does this teach their kids in this present context? My husband owns several small businesses so I KNOW what goes on the higher up you get and the more you have to jump through government hoops. Like, apparently that guy cant even do a Google search our pastors need to be more sharp in a secular situation such as ours. Dispute: "Did God really say?" Deny: He didn't really say that. Parents flocked to Veale, formerly an English instructor at the university level. You will be hard-pressed to argue that tax-free or not somehow prohibits the free exercise of religion per the 1A. When Bortins granted a brief interview last fall, I challenged him about his no fines claim. Surely we would never fall into that trap! bmw carplay full screen 2021. can tigers drink salt water wise football schedule. I participated in the program for a half year under one of the directors interviewed here. However, it seems there are things that need to be addressed. (I pay for CC because I did free co ops for years. And history continually reminds us that this is a recipe for disaster. Some were tutors or directors of local programs; others served as CC area or state representatives. 95%. I have observed a pattern that is visible here in these comments too. And an Army Chaplains Aid, as well as an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant can be threatened with discharge because they made the unconstitutional mistake of speaking their opinion on the gay marriage issue. So this brings me back to James, the brother of Jesus, question: can such a faith, one without empathy or concern for justice for others whom you are not profiting with, actually save you? . Classical Conversations can be more expensive than other homeschool options. Foundations and essentials arent wasted time, its building strong blocks of memory to serve later. Yet other former directors say they stayed so long with CC because they felt their faith demanded it. The real truth is that this mandate does not apply to the unborn. When Ive signed on as CC director for a season, I only feel pressure to hold their plumb line with great integrity.. 255 Air Tool Drive When averaged, the directors collected about $20,000 in tuition and fees during a school year. I directed for several years and my wife tutored Foundations for several years; we withdrew from CC a year ago. The growth I see in my own kids and the students around them speak for themselves, and the relationships forged are absolutely priceless. Hola, cmo puedo ayudarlo? And if we are talking about homeschooling groups, why not talk about every other event held at churches weddings, funerals, concerts, , etc.. all of these are events that use churches. After all, pursuing happiness is, The Department of Justice can distribute an internal memo directing employees to verbally acknowledge homosexuality as a valid lifestyle, because silence on the matter will be interpreted as disapproval, We have abandoned our biblical foundations by disputing, denying, distorting, and finally discarding Gods principles. Because most local CC programs are for-profit businesses, using a churchs tax-exempt building and assets can jeopardize the property tax exemption granted to that church. Ive never been under any illusion that Id make money by serving in my community. Oh and Ill requote from the same article above When the corporation wont listen to people who are among its own devoted licensees, things like this become the next best solution. From its origins in 1997 with eleven students and parents in the basement of Leigh Bortins North Carolina home to proudly serving over 45,000 families now enrolled in its programs spread over 50 countries globally, Classical Conversations always was and always will be about family. Unfortunately, yes. Those who want to defend CC dont often address the specific problems or criticisms presented; they more often point to the results that they perceive from CCs model, curriculum, educational outcomes for students, etc. In a statement to The Roys Report, CC said: Classical Conversations has supported more than 37,500 Licensed Directors over the past 22+ years. 2. Estimates show that corporate makes almost 75% (actual is 73.7%) of what a director makes in an F/E program (and MORE if you are just looking at Essentials). Regardless of the nature of the subject, the for-profit aspect of an organization is the determining factor whether an exemption can be granted, she stated. We regularly consult with our legal and tax advisors to ensure we are acting with integrity and in compliance. In these cases, churches did not comply because, according to all available evidence, CC Inc. withheld guidelines and guidance that could have assisted them. For the first two years, my older two students loved their time in CC classes. As a former CC director (CC community Business owner), I can attest that this is truth. Classical Conversations Inc. (CC), a leading homeschool education company, is knowingly exposing unsuspecting churches that host its programs to major tax liabilities, according to a California pastor, several former CC directors, and tax and legal professionals who recently spoke with The Roys Report. Do our founding documents really acknowledge a right to life, the free exercise of religion, the right to pursue happiness, the freedom of speech? When sending the refunded amount back to CC, Brown restated his argument in a letter to Bortins, who requested permission to share the letter with the CC network. Hence, we are now disputing, denying, distorting, and finally discarding our own founding documents. Classical Conversations, Cease and Desist, Legal Threats, No Talk *** NOTE: This is part of a series that began with these earlier posts: Classical Conversations #1: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Classical Conversations #2: What Led You to Join a Classical Conversations Homeschool Community? Big Ideas: Truth, Beauty, Goodness and more! Im putting in all these hours away from my family at meetings, and not getting anything out of it, Bothur said in a phone interview. More unethical behavior from Christians. TWO. ***** Calculation Discussion ***** DIRECTOR / TUTOR GROSS INCOME: $67,142,500 I welcomed this article when it appeared this week. What he really meant was that homosexual acts of lust are sinful. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. Yet according to analysis by The Roys Report, local directors make next to nothing working for CC. The money is not controlling this. We are above board in everything that we do., After reading a transcript of that webinar, Pastor Brown responded: This is blatantly false. What will stop us from discarding the standard that remains, in order to live by our own wisdom? Yet the CC support representative above the grieving mother insisted she attend their training practicum or lose her position. Period. Jessie Johnson, teaching pastor at Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, Virginia, rejects the idea of a Christian nation. The real truth is that monogamous, loving, homosexual relationships are pleasing to God. Millions, Classical Conversations, Inc. (CC) bills itself as a leading faith-based homeschool education company that enables homeschooling parents, upon being contracted as local. Thanks for all your work. And many local directors have gotten in way over their head. The Roys Report reached out to CCs corporate office for comment and CEO Robert Bortins Jr. granted a brief interview. of graduates plan to attend college. Which is why they are SOL in many ways. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! Dispute, deny, distort. It is really eye opening since we often hear things like barely getting by, this is ministry, not something you do for money, no one is making millions or just a bunch of homeschool moms as phrases thrown at us and we just do not realize that indeed almost ninety million dollars in commerce is occurring in our churches. We equip homeschool parents with the confidence to raise bright, observant students who have a lifelong love of learning. Curriculum provider Classical Conversations Inc. runs a unique homeschooling business model, recruiting homeschool parents as directors, who then conduct weekly classesusually in churchesusing CCs curriculum. Then determined to leave, she also set out to inform local congregations that they may be at risk. Like anything man creates, there is brokenness. Estamos aqu a tu servicio. Please see the notes below on the calculations, assumptions, and figures used to come up with these estimates. They were unethical upfront (and) CC has some corners they need to light up, Brown said. As Proverbs 15:22 states, Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. This suppression of religious freedom is the price of citizenship (says the New Mexico Supreme Court Justice). If I told a local Churches on facebook, for instance, that they risk being held liable for property taxes when hosting CC, when in fact I didnt understand the reach of my communication or the fact that tax laws are different in County X and County Y though they happen to share a border in my local vicinitycounties (for instance) should I be held liable for misinformation that potentially harms CC because I dont know the tax laws for each county and dont know that in County Y its totally fine? Note: directors buy the product and volunteer to lead. The commercialization of making God known.. Still it made me sad. So, our biblical foundations have been discarded. They have two children (Andrew 22, Jonathan 16) and have homeschooled these two from day one. ___________________________________________________________________________________________, 2 Internal memo sent to DOJ managers in advance of LGBT Pride Month, found at, <>. $60 Supply Fee (used to pay for supplies, but I have been informed it is income to the director), Essentials: Also, there is confusion about tax issues. Good and bad. Director Portion of Tuition Pad for Challenge Students: 24,500 x $1055 = $25,847,500 // I wish this article was about exposing draconian tax laws instead of criticizing CC. I would never lose hope that CC could be a force for good, she said. (At least one former CC director has also received a cease-and-desist letter from CC, according to Palmer and former CC area director JJ Veale, who claim theyve seen the letter.). Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. Im the CPA mentioned in the article. Learn who we are and how we started. The young mother had experienced a miscarriage and was ordered on bed rest by her doctor. I just want to note for those who do not know the CC model. I have to admit, I heard this question a couple times when I first decided to homeschool, but most people I come across dont ask it anymore. He did not. I always knew that at best it would cover the costs of my own kids being in the program, and at worst Id be a little under water. Without it, they would make much much less. Some legal responsibilities directors must assume include doing background checks, managing tutors, making payroll, securing daycare licensing, and entering into a lease agreement with a church (or other venue). Give a gift of any amount to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive "In the House of Friends: Understanding and Healing from Spiritual Abuse in Christian Churches" by Kenneth Garrett. However, the county assessors office still challenged whether the CC groups use of the church was valid since the county did not consider educational usage as worship. Thats worth fighting over with the county assessor, because it is so laden with worldview assumptions that are contrary to our own faith. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. But they seem more focused on keeping the company financially strong than on supporting and coming alongside their directors., Recalling her seven years working in various CC roles with little return, Veale spoke frankly: You only do that when youre incredibly committed to groupthinkand I was for many years.. Its a commercial activity to deal in the rental business, she said. What is the ethical dilemma there? Did you have a useful thought about the exploitation of CC workers? You've landed on the Classical Conversations member site that is dedicated to supporting our international members. Five years ago, in the midst of caring for an elderly parent, I joined a CC campus in our area where several friends were already members. Yet she made, on average, only $5K annually working 30 hours per week. No church space = no CC for many campuses. The final straw for Veale was seeing a woman she had recruited be mistreated by higher-ups. Critics say thats because the company fuses spiritual language into its business dealings with contractors, creating a culture of religious obligation. Bortins claimed his webinar statement as factual because the churches were not financially responsible for that amount, he said. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! Our mission is to know God and to make Him known. Aware of these issues, Topp said she offered her expertise to the CC networkonly to see her work buried. . Nearly five years later, the potential risks are still not being fully disclosed to either CC local directors or CC partner churches according to all evidence. Do we want to see CFA in a church? // Why doesnt this article compare corporate CC to any other publishing company, nor disclose anything but a high number of corporate income for shock value, ignoring any expenses or employee salaries in their company? I just left a CC community and will never return. Are the homeschool parents involved are doing this for financial benefit? The rest came from Carol Topp, a certified public accountant based in Cincinnati, Ohio, who received the data from five other CC directors for a book she wrote. With 14 years of prior teaching experience, she easily recruited mothers of school-age children to the CC program, which met weekly in a local church. $335 Tuition (split between tutor and director) However, both he and the company declined to answer specific questions regarding specific incidents described in this report. CC really should be investigated by various states (and maybe the Feds) for this. It helped me immensely. (Topp has since rewritten this ebook, which is available at her website.). Foundations: I was a teacher for 10 years at an elite private school and also in public school. With this, they pull in millions in fees, CCC subscriptions, and book sales. The CC cost for parents has four parts: tuition, registration, supplies, and facility. Similarly, California statewide tax assessor Margie Wing stated that whether CCs religious-based instruction aligns with a churchs mission does not guide her boards evaluation. Bishop Stewart Ruch III of the Anglican, Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have been increasingly used to muzzle people within evangelical churches and Christian organizations. *IF* education is truly ministry, why doesnt CC corporate become non-profit themselves? AVERAGE CORPORATE INCOME PER COMMUNITY: $8027.00, TUTOR / DIRECTOR INCOME FROM CAMPUSES: But different states have different approaches to this., The CC chapter that met at Calvary Chapel Fremont also incorporated as a nonprofit in 2018. These are warning signs that Topp has seen with CC for years. May I suggest . AVERAGE DIRECTOR / TUTOR GROSS INCOME (19,000 tutors and directors): $3,533.82 I am not biblical scholar and consider myself constantly learning, but I have felt this unease and felt led to share. Dispute, deny, distort, discard. When you homeschool with Classical Conversations, we connect you with a local community of like-minded families who not only learn together, but do life together. 19,000 Tutors and Directors, It is estimated, based on information provided to me, that the numbers break down as follows: Honestly, that whole Brown situation puts more points on the board for CC for me. I have worked 2 years as a Foundations and Essentials director and now about to complete my 2nd year as a Challenge director. I asked: Are you now theologians to tell the church what is and what is not worship? My CC Community has been an integral part of our homeschool experience. I dont believe this is the environment that you would be okay with, she texted CCs statewide leader. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? 2) Other commenters make it clear that they have been profiting in someway from the institution and they are mad that anything negative is being reported about it. 69%. Of that, CC received 100% of registration fees ($55 to $145 per student for younger students) as its licensing dues, and 12% of tuition fees collected for each 7th- to 12th-grade student per semester. It was impossible to guess the data size, so to be conservative and for ease, I used the numbers for the rest of the country. . I was all over the place for my first six years of homeschooling. Classical Conversations Inc. (CC), a leading homeschool education company, is knowingly exposing unsuspecting churches that host its programs to major tax liabilities, according to a California pastor, several former CC directors, and tax and legal professionals who recently spoke with The Roys Report. Wrestling with truth promotes blessing and virtue for the whole community. A mother of two, April Palmer was recruited in 2014 to be a tutor at the CC chapter in Austin, Texas. Thats when Calvary Chapel received a $27,000 property tax bill related to a local CC chapter that used the church building for weekly homeschool meetings. Supply Fee Paid for Challenge Students: 24,500 x $60 = $1,470,000 They are a publishing company. Immediately after getting the bill, Brown called Robert Bortins Jr., CEO of CC, which is based in North Carolina. Adam and Eve discarded God's words. She hadnt showered in two weeks and said her husband was threatening to leave them because theyd face financial ruin, owing thousands in back taxes.. Thats entirely understandable and within their rights as US citizens. If you want your children to learn youre going to have to work hard. Friday, 20 September, 2013 in Big Ideas: Truth, Beauty, Goodness and more! I kept seeing discourse that not that much money is made in the churches, but I really felt led to study the monies that are flowing through our Lords church. What he, The insidious, slippery departure from biblical principle has brought with it an unintended consequence. We had many happy years in Foundations/Essentials. An error was made in the initial data supplied for the data table, which resulted in slightly different numbers reported at initial publication. So of course no one wanted to stay. If they have to be for-profit, and flexibly non-profit, in order to best support this subversive act more power to em). This past year (similar to all the years before it) was the best year yet. Can we reverse this trend? Classical Conversations is a proven Christian homeschool program created by parents for parents. Some CC directors and contractors have realized the potential risk CC poses to churches and have sought to warn them. In addition to this, I firmly believe homeschoolers will be a significant influencing factor in the reversal of this trend. He and his wife live in the Washington, D.C. area with their two children. Perhaps our founding documents? Give a gift of any amount to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive "In the House of Friends: Understanding and Healing from Spiritual Abuse in Christian Churches" by Kenneth Garrett. Some of these things are required, some are not. I am the happy director of a Challenge A group and have another child in Foundations and Essentials. So lets talk about it. Just because a left-wing county government hostile to home schooling sends a church a tax bill doesnt mean the church owes any money. Begin with American History After a lot of research and discussion, we decided it made sense to move to American history after that year with Bible Road Trip. CC has to look for cheap locations because the government is overreaching and too involved with what they believe education should look like. They are the family that welcomed me with open arms when we had to move out of state and join a new CC family! And I dont say that with any sense of being disgruntled! He does so far more perfectly than I ever could. Ahhh nothing says Christian like the profit motive and pure godly intimidation. If its one meeting a week, thats peanuts. Classical Conversations Inc. (CC), a leading homeschool education company, is knowingly exposing unsuspecting churches that host its programs to major tax liabilities. Using 50,000 families, our average family size is 2.5 children per family (this is applicable to calculating our application fee). Pastor Tim Brown could not have Googled and found the information in 2018 when the tax assessment incident occurred at his church. There is no quality filter on free. Our Christ-centered homeschool curriculum is rooted in the classical model and is in tune with the way children naturally learn. $60 Supply Fee (used to pay for supplies, but I have been informed it is income to the director). She says the only way to find it was to download an 81-page PDF document and then click on a link embedded on page 54. That directing job opened my eyes to the lack of true support within the CC structure. I left a similar comment to this one on another story here. (CC is) possibly meeting legal standards of disclosure, but not ethical standards. It is a very good example of poor journalism. you will be like God, knowing good and evil." And the final result? Now Im much more selective about how much I let outsiders interfere in our school day. Unfortunately, many moms are duped, Topp said. Starting in fall 2013, Kristi Bothur, a mother of two children who earned a masters degree in curriculum, spent six years working with a CC chapter in Columbia, South Carolina. Domestic members, please click the link below to access your CC Connected account! After a couple of years I put a stop to all that. They get put on SMART plans. If tuition increased to be a fair wage to Directors and tutors, and if Directors had to pay market value to rent a facility for their business activities, the price per student would place CC out of reach of most homeschool families. AVERAGE INCOME PER LOCATION: $34,884.00, CORPORATE income on Foundation students Application fees is estimated to be $6,290,000. At a homeschool convention in 2017, Topp told Bortins about the book. A total of $87,000,000 is being generated in our churches yearly and is split between the business of CC corporate, the business of the director, and the business of the tutors. Products & Services Classical Christian Homeschool. To donate, Prominent Anglican Bishop On Leave Amid Allegations He Mishandled Abuse, #NDAfree Launches to End Christian Communitys Use of Non-Disclosure Agreements, Classical Conversations Knowingly Exposes Unsuspecting Churches to Tax Liabilities, Sources Say, Johnny Hunt, Disgraced Former SBC President, Back in Pulpit, Top-Billed for Upcoming Conference, TN Megachurch Pastor to Step Down & Lead Church-Resource Network, Trump Chides Past Evangelical Supporters Who Havent Endorsed Him, Fired Professor Sues Oklahoma Christian University, Artists, Abuse Survivors Collaborate on A to Z of Trauma Recovery Art Project, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Covered Up Pastors Sexual Abuse, Witnesses Say, Pastor Resigns From Houston Megachurch After Admitting Affair, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthurs Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show, Dante Bowe Posts, Then Removes, Apology for Behavior Causing Split with Maverick City Music, Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Admitting Inappropriate Online Relationship, John MacArthur Pulls Out of Ligonier Conference, Megachurches, Megamansions: Pastors' Homes Valued in the Millions, Televangelist Creflo Dollar Renounces Past Teachings on Tithing, But Questions Persist, Samaritans Purse Amasses Over a Billion Dollars in Assets, Raising Red Flags, Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. 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