In 3-5 weeks, you will receive everything you desire. By doing this, you can get 2 desires for your soul. It's impossible to sell your soul. I can't stress enough that this in NOT true no more that heart disease is a demonic attack! These dreams are going to be weird. We are all innocent in Truth and together we will Remember, Respect well said man.May got bless you , is there for real ? Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine: the soul who sins shall die., There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife., What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Those who prosper in some way by Satans power always regret it for all eternity. God gets very offended when we refer to Jesus as his only begotten son. 1. I also will pray for you. I could be wrong, but I believe Im right. To not choose Jesus is to choose against Him. For more information, please see our Absolutely. Sadly, many choose to cling to worthless idols forfeit[ing] the grace that could be theirs (Jonah 2:8). Everyone who has sold their soul to the devil will exhibit one of these 5 signs. [deleted] 3 yr. ago. It has no basis in reality. Six more bills demanding payment, yet I was beyond broke. Whom can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus? The Bible is not the infalible word of God but God is very real. Peace to you always Believe me, youll want to know! Always remember God loves you, ask for His help and guidance in all things. Does he get bored ?? We cannot sell our souls to Satan in the sense that he then owns them, as all souls and where they spend eternity belongs to God alone: "Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine: the soul who sins shall die." ( Ezekiel 18:4) Looking for advice? I guess you could have had some kind of spiritual experience with the lsd but this idea you sold your soul by taking some drug is pure superstition. DO GOOD AND YOU WILL BE OKAY, follow by nature and do not give him the power he desires. All this Fantasy talk is so ridiculous one day soon youre gonna laugh your ass off about this insane notion .. After passing these tests, your desires will be granted to you. Sharing scripture can be done so many ways ~ we call them God is real. You are the Devil if you practice hate and misery and you cant be happy when you hate . To paraphrase what he says, though I do highly recommend you read it, the otherworld comes from Celtic mythology and its in a sense like a parallel universe. So, keep reading this article. Legally, as with all important documents, you should have a notary present to make sure all the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed. You are using an out of date browser. You would not be "selling your soul" by consuming Marijuana. In fact it is in most situations in life. The number of years you will spend is determined by the devil. The Holy Spirit is not tripping over your delusions of grandeur. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. After hearing his bid, you can place a higher bid and stick to it. You cannot put a price on what is Eternal .. you come from Forever which is outside of Time. That includes thoughts too. However, I would be concerned though that you don't know for certain that you're in the Kingdom! Do you wish to Remember now ? Just like an engineer knows the car he builds; God know you and knows the answer to all your problem and questions. How much money do you get for selling your soul? Secondly, as far as video games are concerned -- if you have a conscience objection to playing the game -- that's a warning -- and you'll have to discern if it's something that you should avoid. But only from the perspective that reality is fake. It's a purposeful affliction. Meaning that while your soul is incapable of being bought/sold, you (as the infinite individuated POWERFUL soul You are) have the power and capacity to construct and inhabit a reality in which this is your experience. Once you have this dream, the contract has been signed and your wishes will come true in a short period. They snuck off and they did it. I drew the short straw and got that particular case to research and report upon. He has not stolen your soul until you die and youve done everything hes asked of you. You can sell your soul by speaking with the devil from your mind If you desire something badly, you can allow the emotion to fill you up, and then speak to the devil out of the emotion. All that is required is that you will be visited by the devils representative, who will give you a contract from the devil. It's when you act on those thoughts that you are selling out. You're probably changing along with your body. Simply put; sell out forJesus! Your email address will not be published. I suggest you enlist the aid of a physician who specializes in addictions. This is where mental breakdowns happen to a lot of people. May the Lord give us the grace to choose life in Christ! The hard part is, of course, dealing with the comedown and the return to our world. I wish to comment on this for several reasons. Do we have a Technical Support thread here on Worthy. So, do you already know what happens when you sell your soul to the devil? Privacy Policy. Im scared that I accidentally sold my soul. trofimus Senior Member Aug 17, 2015 10,684 Whenever your desire to make money has beclouded your desire to live an upright life. Practice on keeping your Peace by not listening to the Egos death Drive thoughts . You must sell your soul to Jesus it belongs to Satan by default. But she is only an avatar of the capital M Mind. LOVE NEVER FAILS = GOD Never Fails, We are all here just hallucinating.. now its wake up time and Remember your Holiness. When this body no longer is capable of containing consciousness you will be MIND. This could get pretty deep theologically, but in a sense, since Adam sinned, our souls were all sold out to sin or the devil. We also did a broadcast concerning this issue on The Good Fight Radio Show. ------ I dont know how to make sense of it either, but Ive experienced a similar thing and that book helped me put it into perspective and get a sense of peace. Pleasenote the second halfis encouragement. Otherwise, nothing will happen when you say Amen. You can redeem yourself in the creator of the universes eyes. Darkness could never create light and the devil could never make you really happy, only your creator knows what you need and what can actually fill your heart for REAL. However, many people are still ignorant about the deep details of selling ones soul to the devil. I've done mushrooms a thousand times, but yet I STILL TW: Suicide This sub is one of the only things that Press J to jump to the feed. DO GOOD, FIGHT AGAINST THE DEVIL AND DO NOT LET HIM DECEIVE YOU!! So does she so do you. Required fields are marked *. For example, if you desire someone, you can make a pact with the devil. Your email address will not be published. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I also dont care about money and wouldnt give my soul or relationship (if I still have one) with God for it nore would I even entertain the idea! Only in this dualistic world does good and bad exist . The gospel message is simple -- Repent -- which means to turn from your sins -- and believe -- which means to utterly entrust your soul -- that Jesus died, rose again, and in Him alone, you can find the forgiveness of sins! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Whether one sells his soul or not, we must all still turn to Jesus to be saved, because we are all under Satans power until the moment we embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior. This is a real opportunity for YOU to finally get what you desire the most. Your Bible tellsyou of one that did so. Answered! By His enabling grace, we can either choose to be servants of sin and Satan, and suffer in the lake of fire for eternity, or we can choose eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ. If you need anything just ask! Instead try reaching out to the universe and your guardians as they will give you what you need, they will help you through the times of hardship. I would avoid posting while intoxicated, is what I would say if I was a hypocrite! What Happens When You Sell Your Soul? Have a problem? Do you really think there is one person here whom suffers from OCD who has not prayed so much for even the most insignifacant, presumed transgression which was probably no transgression at all, that they could not function at all in their daily life? You are as I am as anybody is, an innocent child just figuring it out as you go along. You know those long blocks of text that show up before you play a game or register for a digital service? So think of someone very awarenearly enlightened choosing the dark side. tl;dr but the way to sell your soul is to give up your morals in exchange for money. Other than that, you don't have to worry about selling your soul. What can you ask the devil? All rights reserved. Powered by Invision Community. You have to understand that the devil is more desperate for your soul than you are desperate for your desire. Answer #3. You will lose your peace at the end of it all. I have no desire to do evil which is something I cling tightly to as if you were the devils property surely youd want to be evil and not good? I can do this long distance, just send me a pm, but be sure you have your credit card handy. No, the Bible says ur are ur soul specify. Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. Body dysmorphia can be present when people have changes to their face. Take comfort knowing that if it is indeed possible for someone to sell their soul, that God is merciful, and if you ask him, He is able and willing to restore it to you. Sell your soul, change your life! God is not a punishing God Should have seen how much I erased. Jesus declared: Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Matthew12:30). You might be told to kill your pet dog or cat, and other terrible atrocities, which your conscience is against. OCD is not about wrong headed thinking or sinful behavior it's a very real, genetically transmitted, neurobiological disorder. First of all, I want to welcome you to WCF! You cannot sell what does not belong to you. I am impressed that at age 14 you know enoughto read terms and conditions before merrily agreeing to anything for temporary gain and pleasure. I would sell your own soul for one wish yes. By using this website or our other online services, you consent to the practices described in our Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy. If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. A lot of people sign a deal with the devil majorly for fame and money. This contract is written in human form, but the words are from the devil himself. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The process: a person has a deep desire for something or the person has a talent of some sort. 5 Ways. You speak as if OCD is just oppression by the devil. First offlet's keep one thing in mind. You state you watch for key words and that is fine, but also watch formore thanjust that, watch for the gain you get from agreeing and ask of God what you are giving back in return. If they don't give you 5 dollars in return for your soulnope. You see, if you are faced with the decision to sell your soul in a dream, try to figure out what the rest of the dream was about. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Paganism In Depth by John Beckett. Do you know what happens when you sell your soul to the devil and the consequences and signs that you have sold your soul? No, but sadly some actually are duped into believing this. Therefore, if you sell your soul with the devil, I assure you that money and fame, or whatever you have traded your soul for will be given to you by the devil in a short while. JavaScript is disabled. And there is no hell. and he signed it, 'properly', and then burned the letter. does telling this young, suffering child that help her in anyway? Selling your soul goes deeper then the devil as there universe is so vast and much more powerful then the devil. First of all, I'm a 15 year old baptist girl. You say be in constant prayer tword God for forgiveness. Also the medical interventions by those who have studied the cause and the mangement of it actually do work. Confession - compulsion or necessary? except for the fact that he lost his soul to the Devil for a car. Then my advice to you sir, if you are to practice what you preach, would be to advise you to never seek out the counsel of a physician again for any type of physical ailment that you ever become afflicted with. U can't sell or give ur soul like Faust described it. Thank you for the encouraging post. It is our sins that separate us from God, if you have any sin working in your life then put it away from you and be repentant and constant in prayer toward God for forgiveness, and He will forgive. However, whenever you sell your soul, you are going to enjoy all of the things you desire for a limited time. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons. May God visit you ! Basically, anything you want. One day, I checked my mail. All is consciousnessI'd not say this usually to a youngster.but it seems you've gone down that rabbit hole already. NOT possible as your soul does not belong to you, so you can not sell. After performing these atrocities, your conscience will become deadened and the only thing you will love to do is evil and immoral things. What drugs do you believe have the most potential for Had a friend of mine tell me to stay away from dmt Disrespecting others seems to be on the rise? Most especially, if they are living under the same roof as you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. There is ONLY ONE force/entity/power in all existence that could provide the perception of the containment/purchase of your infinite individuated soul and that being is none other than You yourself. I hope you find a way to feel happy in your own skin again. Do we then just blame them for having weak faith? So the real question is am I a man or a muppet? It doesnt matter what kind of blood drops you do, its all bogus and you are simply dedicating yourself to sin using some weird rituals that have no real meaning or impact except for convincing the foolish people that they have now signed a paper with their blood so now they have a contract and its valid. This person is generally approached by a satanist or other pagan figure who befriends them. The point of that little digression is that yes you can sell your soul, but you also have a concept of law that states one must have reached an age of accountability to be held responsible, in both Rabbinical religious law tradition as well as in civil law of some nations, states and government entities. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Strictly speaking, it doesn't belong to you, but to God, who has redeemed it. I was out of work, days from eviction, getting my car repossessed, my utilities cut off, and my newspaper cancelled. Yes,you certainly can end up selling your soul for temporary pleasure and for gain on this earth. It can also boost their ego or give them fulfillment. For all whom have believed in Him as their personal Lord and Savior, they are no longer under the law, but under grace and God says He remembers our sins no more. Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? (Romans6:16). No your fine. But, we are not "in sin" but rather, "under grace". Hebrews 12:28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire. Think about it as judgement day, you will be judged when you die and it will be determined on where you go. Still got it. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. But thats just life; dealing with the burden of spiritual experience is a lot like dealing with the burden of scientific knowledge. I didnt talk to Satan intentionally that night but I was angry, bitter and definitely not feeling myself, and I think that maybe hes been sly and taken me quoting that song when my arm was bleeding as me signing myself over to him. After realizing that everything you thought you had gained has been lost, you will be filled with so much regret, which will lead to depression. Smoking weed not for medicinal reasons is still discouraged though. Amen. The idea of "selling one's soul" is not literal. This is indeed one of the biggest lies that Satan has made (almost as big as the one that he doesnt even exist). When your desire for money has become so intense that you are willing to do anything evil to get it, it is the first sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. I've sometimes wondered why there aren't any christian organisations who will pre-emptively buy your soul from you so you can't accidentally sell it to satan. The link: Abandon old preconceptions and step in a new source only few have had the opportunity to grasp. Plus you cannot sell your Soul as it was Gods gift to you ; your gift of Life in Creation .. you will exist always and Gods will is for you to just Be Happy and pray to Remember what you are and where you reside . ago Who says it's discouraged? Everyone can have thoughts they shouldnt. After making this statement, you will have a dream about signing an agreement with the devil. 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